Joe o
New Member
Hello everyone, I started in hobby grade RC in 2003 when I bought my sons electric traxxas rustlers. Those were so fun that I needed a Tmaxx and I have had a spot for RC ever sense. Over the years I have had other trucks and cars like a Hpi savage, Team associated mgt, nitro sport and a mini summit. I also bought a mini helicopter a E flight msr. The msr is the only thing I kept and started flying it again a couple months ago and that kicked it in again. So a cheap Align Trex 450 that was never flown came on craigslist and I picked it up. I have hovered it once and it seems stable, but I am putting time in on the phoenix simulator before I crash it for the first time. lol I am sure I will have questions in the helicopter thread and will try to help in other threads where I can. Thanks for letting me join. Here are pics of the nitro sport and the mini summit, Also the MSR and the Align Trex I have now.