So having no experience in any type of covering I have all but completed the recovering and repair of the Ultimate Bipe 40 that I bought recently. As you will see from the first pics of the plane I'm sure you'll agree that she's looking great. Days are getting longer and weather slightly warmer but we're not ready to fly yet. So here is the 98% finished product waiting for solar trim to come so I can finish the decoration of the wings. Please feel free to comment on the plane. I've worked hard to get this to the best of my abilities and experience.
Yes the gas engine will get it dirty, mind you if I loose control of her that will be the last of my worries LOL. So my hangers full at the moment although seen A Nitro Cessna for sale on Ebay which may be useful to train on Nitro with.
That's it I'm finished this project 100% happy with the finished plane. It's going to look awesome when in the air. This project has been taken about 50 hours in total to strip and recover this tatty faded plane and brought it back to life.
just need the weather to get better over here in the UK. Going to join a local RC flyers club soon and that way I can get access to a safe flying site without any problems. Also get some advise and help with getting this beautiful plane airbourne.