its a transciever both ways so you have feedback.. and you can load a program in your rx.. and make it fly your heli actually doing 3D.. like Bert would do.. look at it and train your fingers.
Similarly.. if you could get sensors on the heli or plane, for G force, and modify the servos.. you could actually feel the gimbals getting harder and harder to move as the G forces go high
AS he said its not a TX and RX system. its a transciever system both ways. PLUS modular.. for a whole total of 560 Dollars.! thats is crazy! I mean you just have to think how much you can do with it... plus its open source
Your hsticks could point your fingers to the right direction. .so for a beginner.. the heli slowly drifting to the left will make your sticks point your fingers to go right as it has a three axis gyro in it.. so it will not just correct it after a point (delay) but also train new fingers how to correct.. WHA!