Quad QX 110 "Interior Traversing Machine" (Their Words, Not Mine!)


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Tony submitted a new Article:

Qx 110 "interior Traversing Machine" (their Words, Not Mine!)

I was hit up on my email from a vendor asking if I wanted to do a review on YET ANOTHER cheap POS plastic quad, and I said NO! Instead I asked if they wanted to send this one and they agreed. The link to it is below if you don't believe they call it an "Interior Traversing Machine" lmao.

If this was an Eachine, it would be called the EX 110 and not the QX. I have no idea why...

Below are a couple links that you may need to get this thing going. First is a completely stock dump file that I pulled, on video, before I did anything to the quad. But before I did that, I had to install (the second link) a new driver on my computer in order for this thing to connect to the computer. It does NOT use the same drivers as the Eachine models and I have absolutely no idea why. So the first link is the stock dump file and the second link is the download link for the drivers that you will need in order to get this thing connected to the computer.

If you get this quad, or the Eachine Ex 110, you will have to put the DSM Rx into bind mode in the CLI. You can't just turn the quad on with no tx connected and expect the Rx to go into bind mode. So below is the code to use in CLI to put the Rx into bind mode and at the end where "X" is, you will use one of the numbers listed below the code. Remember, use the one that is meant for YOUR RECEIVER! If you don't you could have issues. If you have any questions about how to do this, or you would like me to make a video about it, post up and let me know.

set spektrum_sat_bind=X

3 for DSM2 1024bit/22ms
5 for DSM2 2048bit/11ms default AlienWii32
7 for DSMX 1024bit/22ms used by Devo 7e
8 for DSMX 2048bit/22ms Used by new DXe
9 for DSMX 2048bit/11ms

Drivers - http://www.silabs.com/Support Documents/Software/CP210x_Windows_Drivers.zip

QX 110 Stock Dump File - View attachment 17282

And here is the video on the review. I was going to make multiple shorter videos, but it's the same stuff that I have done with all of the Eachine boards and quads including the BeeCore as well. so I just lumped it into one video. Sorry for it being so long...

Click The Link Below To Check Out This Quad
Interior Traversing Machine QX110 110mm Micro FPV Racing Drone Quadcopter With F3 Flight Control

This video will be live at noon (about 11.5 hours from the time of this post). I needed the link lol.

Read more about this article here...
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Well-Known Member
Tony I am pretty sure the stick min and stick max in the receiver tab are the minimum and maximum points to allow stick commands.
In other words if you use stick arming, it won't work unless it sees a figure under 1100 on the throttle channel.
Or if you use stick trim commands it has to see a figure over 1900 on the throttle to enable them.
Setting to 1000 and 2000 is still recommended. :)


Staff member
I thought I read somewhere that it was the min and max for the sticks that you need to set. guess I need to do some more reading. I will be getting in depth with cleanflight and betaflight pretty soon so if I don't find it now, I will find it then lol.


Well-Known Member
I thought I read somewhere that it was the min and max for the sticks that you need to set. guess I need to do some more reading. I will be getting in depth with cleanflight and betaflight pretty soon so if I don't find it now, I will find it then lol.

I first saw those the other night on a Rev6 Naze32 board and thought the same thing.
Then I read the text in the pale yellow box at the top of the screen. :D

I gonna try tonight now, I have to know for sure. :)
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Staff member
Just took this little guy out for a "spirited" shake down flight outside, and the range on this thing is only about 30-40 yards (meters). I had to use the FPV goggles just to find it! I would get out there about 40 yards or so and was flying pretty hard and the thing would just drop out of the sky. And yes, I'm using my DX9. I did record video of it but I'm going to have to put a voice over on it because I didn't want to drag out my camera gear for a quick flight. And even then, the battery dies only after about 3 minutes of flying. This thing needs larger motors and a larger battery.

However, even with the crashes it never broke one of the 1mm thick arms which are incredibly weak!!!


Staff member
I officially hate the flight controller in this quad. I tried to flash betaflight on it and it failed. I tried to put it in DFU mode but it failed. I tried to put a fresh flash of cleanflight on it, and it failed. So I just started doing stupid stuff that you should never do with a board, and it all still failed.

Turns out, this board will NOT show DFU mode. You still have to jump the boot pins to flash it, but it will not show DFU. The only sign that you are in the bootloader is the red status light is not flashing and the blue light is on solid.

So with knowing this, I went ahead and jumped the boot pins and plugged it in. I went into betaflight, turned off erase (because turning it off actually erases it for some reason... makes no sense) and set the baud to 256000 and it flashed. I did this last night and had everything working great. I even unplugged it to get it out of bootloader and plugged it back in and it was working. I could see everything about the board.

Went to sleep, woke up, made coffee and jumped on the computer and decided to plug this sucker in and even out some settings before I put it back into the quad. I plug it in, solid blue light, no status light. I check to make sure I didn't bridge the bootloader, nope they are apart. I try to flash it, it won't flash further telling me that the bootloader is not jumped. But this damn thing will not connect. 8 hours later, and NOTHING.

I officially hate this quad and hope no one picks it up. If you do want to pick it up just know the frame is very thin and will break and also know that you need to get a new board for it! Because this board sucks big time!!!


New Member
I am having trouble getting my EX110 up and running. I think I have downloaded the drivers and I have saved the dump data, but Cleanflight keeps telling me that I need to upgrade the firmware or use an older version of the configurator. I am lost how to proceed. I am trying to get my DSM version EX110 bound to my Spektrum DX6. After powering the quad up only get one solid blue light and slowly flashing red light. Help.


Staff member
This is a common issue right now. The older boards do not support 2.0 cleanflight, but they want to try and make you upgrade. Here is the fix. You need to install the file below onto chrome just make sure to name it 1.0 or something so that you know it is the older version of cleanlfight and not the newer version that you have on your computer. Copy and paste this link into the Chrome browser: chrome://extensions/

Once in there, you will see a box at the top that says Developer Mode. Click that box and click on the box Load Unpacked Extension. From there, just find it on your computer and start the install process. Hope this helps.

Click this Link To Download The .Zip v1.2.4 CleanFlight Software For Chrome
Release v1.2.4 · cleanflight/cleanflight-configurator · GitHub
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