So far the build is going well, The only changes I made was to the elevator, kept the thickness in the middle of it, I may still add a popsicle stick there, and on the rudder I did the horizontial cut near the top of it, I like that look! I completly cut the rudder off the fuse, I think that made it easier to glue the vertical fuse portion to the horizontial but that is just personal preferance in my building style. Now for the electronics!
On a side note, I have been reading this thread and it looks like things are getting a little, how do I put this, "Excited" Passionate", Lets keep this fun! I appricate all Tony does! BIG TY for the forum and the work to bring the plane to us! Derek, YOU DA MAN!
with this bird and I until I see diffrent I would keep the plane as is! The beauty of this plane is if a guy doesnt like the size of a componet, cut it of and build a diffrent one! Hey it would not be that hard to design optional rudders and elevators with out a new plane design, just put them on a different pdf and call it the sport version or something like that! No matter what Derek has to get the props for the plane! And Tony, man if you another bipe get it on here! when you can! I am always looking for a new bird to build cuz I keep crashing all my other ones!