Quad Reversed motor and propeller orientation?


Staff member
Plug in the USB, go to the motor tab and raise the master switch all the way up. Plug in the battery and listen for the first set of beeps. When you hear them, lower the master control all the way down. This should calibrate all of the motors.


Well-Known Member
Plug in the USB, go to the motor tab and raise the master switch all the way up. Plug in the battery and listen for the first set of beeps. When you hear them, lower the master control all the way down. This should calibrate all of the motors.

That's what He just did in the video.
Something very strange going on.
Somehow the quad seems to be being powered up by USB.
Those motors should not move at all when you move the the slider in the motors tab unless you have a battery connected.

I have some ideas so bare with me and try a few things.
Hook up usb and use a volt meter to check if there is any power at the battery plug, if there is you have a problem that needs to be sorted first before you do any damage.
(If it's not already to late)

Do you arm by switch or stick command?
Also, do you have oneshot enabled on configuration tab.
What version is the naze board.
Are you sure the ESCs are simonk or are they called simon series ESCs., what brand are they?
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Staff member
If so, the easiest way I have found is to do it in CLI. Plug your USB into the naze and connect to cleanflight. Go to CLI and type in the following commands

set min_command = 2000

Then type


Disconnect the USB and plug in your battery, then plug in your USB cable and go back into CLI. In there, type the following commands

set min_command = 1000

Then type


This should calibrate your ESC's and should stop these issues. We all hope.


Well-Known Member
That may work Tony but it does not fix the issue that the motors seem to be getting power from USB.
Speaking from experience, you don't want those motors capable of spinning up as soon as you plug in the battery. :)

Kratata I forgot to ask, what LEDs are on when you plug in the USB? (no battery)


Staff member
I have done a little research on this, and it seems that the rev6 boards are missing a diode that keeps power from the USB from backfeeding into the ESC's to power them. Because of this, the method above is the only way to calibrate a rev6 board and unless you want to solder in a diode to stop the voltage from getting to the PDB, it's just one of the quirks of the rev6 board. Only other option is to get a rev5 board if you can find one.

But yes, motors spinning on USB power is very bad. I highly agree.


Well-Known Member
I have done a little research on this, and it seems that the rev6 boards are missing a diode that keeps power from the USB from backfeeding into the ESC's to power them. Because of this, the method above is the only way to calibrate a rev6 board and unless you want to solder in a diode to stop the voltage from getting to the PDB, it's just one of the quirks of the rev6 board. Only other option is to get a rev5 board if you can find one.

But yes, motors spinning on USB power is very bad. I highly agree.

I just learned something. :)
I guess I won't be getting a rev6 board too soon, that is just dumb, F3 or F4 it is.
Ok Kratata forget what said about measuring voltage at the battery lead, it seems this is normal.


Staff member
I don't know if I would go as far as calling it "normal". Seems to me they were trying to save a buck or two by not isolating the two.


Yeah I found that out too. I took all the ESC besc out and then no motors spun up until after calibration. The thing is, the quad still just flips. I'll try calibrating with the commands and see if it makes any changes. Wish me luck!


Staff member
When you hook it up to cleanflight and move the quad around, does the quad move in the way you are moving it?


Yes the accelerometer and magnetometer work fine. I have just calibrated using the CLI and it did not change anything.
I watched the motors in clean flight and motors 2 and 3, which happen to be the motors that the quad flips over on, are not spinning as fast. December 20, 2016 - YouTube But I also saw this video which explained that it is because the quad is trying to adjust: Cleanflight - ESC Calibration Testing - YouTube But I don't think its coincidence that the 2 slower motors are the ones that the quad flips on.


Staff member
Not spinning as fast with the battery plugged in and the gyro's active is normal. Try putting it on acro and see if it changes.

And I have ot ask, are you absolutely sure you have the motors plugged into the FC correctly?


Okay I changed flight mode to acro with a switch. It's just disabling mag and baro right? [video]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yExp3d7OSd4[/video]
It seems that motors 2 and 3 are always a little off. I went for a takeoff in acro and what do you know, it just flips over! :nutkick: I tried adjusting the trims, and it just changes the side it flips over on.


Well-Known Member
If you have the gear, I am quite happy to get on Skype with you.
We can sort this out and post the results back here.
It has to be something simple that we are forgetting to ask.
All this back and forwards seems to be getting you nowhere but frustrated.


Yep. It was a very simple thing. Problem was that I did not check the motor number layout specifically for the naze32 rev6. I thought there was just a standard so I looked up a picture on Google. BIG little mistake. I believe I am getting a fpv system for Xmas so I was a bit upset before. It's a Christmas miracle!! Now I just gotta wait for that lipo to charge *-*

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The motors still don't start up evenly but that could be because my 3 cell lipo has only been at 11.3v for testing. But the thing flies. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


Well-Known Member
Great we could help sort it out.
Time for a flight vid now, even if it is just a hover in the back yard. :D

As for the motors not starting evenly, that could just be a min throttle setting, or you may need to calibrate the way tony suggested earlier.
Or both :)

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Now I just gotta wait for that lipo to charge *-*

Wait, I only just read this, you said lipo, singular.
Surely you have more than one battery for it.
You need at least 4, 6 is even better.
Best you talk very nicely to the wife, get her something, that might work. :biggrin1:
Tell her more batteries is a must, your progress will be severely hampered without them. :biggrin1:
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I'll see if I can fix that. Doesn't much matter to me as long as it flies. Thanks guys for all the help! And I'll get that video.
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