General Sopwith Pup Kit


New Member
Hi All
I hope everyone enjoyed and have recovered from the festive holiday. I received a Aerodrome RC 40" Sopwith Pup N195 kit from Farther Christmas , this will be the first balsa kit I have attempted to build it may be a bit adventuress but there is a helpful build guide on the Aerodrome web site and if I am really in trouble I am sure there will be some one who can assist me, with that in mind can anyone advise where I might find a pictorial view giving the names of the various main parts of the wings Fuselage etc, the guild that is on the Aerodrome site is very helpful but is directed at the slightly more advanced builder and I am unsure of some of the terms that are used. Any advice gratefully received.

Thanks Les


Staff member
Can you post a link to the plane that you have? I think that will help us out.

Balsa kits are fun, but they take a lot of time to complete. Just be patient and you will do just fine. And the more time you spend getting things just right, the better this plane will fly. I have a balsa kit that I built (telemaster) that has yet to see the sky because I don't like how it turned out.


Staff member
If that is the plane and the instruction manual, I have to say, that manual is fantastic compared to something like the telemaster that just gives you pictures lol. I have nothing to add to that one. But if you have questions, all you have to do is post up and we will try to help out.


New Member
Thank you both for your input. I am looking forward to building this plane the help guide I will be exstreamly helpful there are a few references to things that I do not understand so any help would be great.
The link to the Sopwith Pup that I have is the same as Eyestation has posted, the link below will take you to the instruction manual. Aerodrome Rc has an amazing stock of kits it's worth a visit just to look at what is available.
Thanks for your help.


Staff member
Can you post up the words or phrases that you don't understand? Between us here on the forum, we can get you an explanation of what they are. Or well, we should be able to. Some companies like to call stuff odd names lol. But we will do our best.


New Member
I have looked through the post tutorials etc that I have looked at over the last few weeks and these are the words I am not sure about
Cap strips
Anti-spin strakes
Root ribs
Horizontal Stab rudder

It is likely that things will become clearer as the build progresses and as you say some of the wording that I have read may be manufacturer / builder own description.
Any help and advice will help me in my first build.
Thanks to you all for your time to guild me.
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