Well today the build was completed, Flip board configured, and she had her maiden hop. Within the software all flight surfaces were able to be configured per the requirements on the flip board packaging except one.....throttle. If you look at the picture of the package it says to set the throttle trim at -50% I do not know where they want this setting done. Throttle adjustment does not go to negative numbers. Are they referring to sub trim adjustments???? The result of this setting being out of adjustment is a dead spot at bottom end of the throttle stick movement. It advances about 11 clicks then launches into the air. Instant throttle not a slow increase. At this point I cannot say if the throttle will slowly increase smoothly from the launch on up the stick range because I am scared as I cant fly!!! So guys I am a total noob to the software config stuff so I used the video "Flip 1.5 for dummies" as my guide. Great video!! a big thanks to the maker!! In the video we adjust the ppm's (pulse per minutes I think) on throttle elevator aileron and rudder. The maker suggested 880 ppm for a low and 2020 for a high. My spectrum Dx6i would only allow a low of 1000 ppm and a high of 2000 ppm for elevator, rudder, and aileron but on throttle the low was the same, 1000 ppm but the high could only reach 1520 ppm.
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