250 Tail moves when spooling up


Ok, I know now that the ESC has the default settings. These are:
*Brake: Disabled
*Electronic Timing: Mid-timing
*Battery Protection: High cutoff battery protection
*Throttle response Speed: Medium Speed
*BEC output voltage: 5.5V
*Aircraft: Helicopter (soft start)

Therefore, there shouldn´t be any problem when spooling up.


Staff member
This is just how cheap ESC's are made. They don't have the same "soft start" that the more expensive Castle or Align ESC's have.


see if you can pick up a cheap pre- Loved Align ESC .... there are heaps of them around..... even if you get a bigger one than the 35 amps .... it does not matter, But you will notice the precision motor response and stable RPM
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