New Member
Greetings All,
Alittle about myself in the RC world, I am more of a builder, ( foam Planes ), than a flier, I suffered 2nd and 3rd burns to my right arm and hands so flying has been difficult for me, so I fly mostly trainers and those planes with SAFE Tech,
, build planes for the local children, mostly from Flite Test, chuck gliders and such. I ran across a youtube video, which brought me here, I am looking at building Joy Stick type transmitters in the future for some people with handicap, so they can have the ability to fly and enjoy the fun outdoors.
With the articiles and help was looking to convert brushed motors to brushless conversion, and a few places I have been wanting to build from foam, v173 Flying Pancake, OV-10 Bronce, which are my 2 favorite planes and Delta Dyke.
I have a google drive with some 1500 plus plane plans that everyone is welcome to.
I am a combat Veteran and proud father of 6 children, 3 Grand Children and 1 lovely wife.
Looks like I have alot of read to do.
Bless You and Yours
FeWolf= IronWolf
Alittle about myself in the RC world, I am more of a builder, ( foam Planes ), than a flier, I suffered 2nd and 3rd burns to my right arm and hands so flying has been difficult for me, so I fly mostly trainers and those planes with SAFE Tech,

With the articiles and help was looking to convert brushed motors to brushless conversion, and a few places I have been wanting to build from foam, v173 Flying Pancake, OV-10 Bronce, which are my 2 favorite planes and Delta Dyke.
I have a google drive with some 1500 plus plane plans that everyone is welcome to.
I am a combat Veteran and proud father of 6 children, 3 Grand Children and 1 lovely wife.
Looks like I have alot of read to do.
Bless You and Yours
FeWolf= IronWolf