So blades size has to do with class size then, huh. So if my 500 has 425mm blades on it, is it possible to put 480mm blades on it? I would like to put these blades on it RotorTech 480mm Flybarless Main Blade Set
Only if the root will fit in the grips and if it will clear the tail blades. There is also the power requirements that are needed, can't forget about those. If you are running the 500MX, I would not go over 430mm.
Personally I wouldn't. As tony stated it would task your power system. You would have to upgrade just about everything from the batteries to motor. That's an investment. If your looking for that 500 size then find something that's a true 500 like the goblin sport. I don't know of any true 500 off the top of my head other than the goblin.
Thanks guys . That's why I asked. I'll just leave well enough alone then. So since I'm running RJX 425mm blades on my 500, that's considered a small heli...correct.
Ok so I’ve been practicing my forward flips and I’ve managed a few back flips but sometimes I lose a lot of altitude and sometimes I don’t.
So what am I doing wrong when I lose a lot of altitude ?
Ok thanks Tony I think I’m not taking away positive pitch quick enough because with this little heli when I’m in idle up mode and give it a lot of negative pitch then quickly go into positive pitch it puts a lot of load on the motor and slowly gains altitude at first then shoots up and when I’m losing a lot of altitude while inverted during a flip I’m giving pretty much full negative pitch and it’s just not responding that fast like it’s loaded down
That would be collective management that you need to learn, and that just comes with time. Right now you are bogging the motor by adding full cyclic as well as full collective, and it just can't handle it. If you are doing 360º flips, you should not be moving your stick any more than about 50%. So if you are flying at 75% in a hover, you should only have to go down to 25% to keep an inverted hover.
Ok that makes a lot of sense, yes I am giving full cyclic and just trying to hurry though the flip. I should also adjust my d/r to full right now i got it at about 85-90% this thing goes to 125 max d/r and I’m at 110. When I first started doing flips I had it set at 80 and that got me into the habit of giving it full cyclic.
Well just something I have to practice with more but thank you for explaining it to me because now I realize what’s happening and can correct myself better.
Yea, increasing the pitch on collective or cyclic will definitely bog it more. Just stick with it, one day something will 'click' and it will all make sense. I'm still waiting for that day lmao.
Lol yeah I’ve only been flying for 4 months now I have a lot of practice to do still to get the “feel” for doing tricks. I destroyed one heli just learning to fly a cp heli I never thought then that I’d ever even get to the point of doing tricks. When I first started learning I realized just how much skill it takes and that there’s a big learning curve.