600 Upgrading Trex-600 Esp To Fbl / Dfc


Well-Known Member
Not clear what you mean by built in shoulder. The bottom part of the shaft is of reduced diamater. There is an aluminium collar on the shaft up high, I didn't notice that it is possible to slide it down

Yes, I know I must eliminate the vertical / axial play

But, one question remains - what should be the initial push rods length? in the manuals I found, they all say 15mm between the plastick ends, but there is no way to level the swash plate with this length.


Because your modifying the build you won't find the link (Push Rod) measurement in any manual, you will need to go back to basics, set the servo arms at horizontal and the head with the pitch at zero and measure the distance between ball centers and build your links accordingly.

The shafts below are for an Align 500 but similar to your 600, (left) shaft with collar, (middle) blank shaft, (right) shaft with built in collar.

IMG_4441 (Medium).JPG

Alex Evans

Hello again,

The shaft that came with the FBl ? DFC head looks like the middle image, with an aluminium ring that has to hex screws and I managed to get rid of th evertical play.

I created on my Tx a new Heli model, but not sure anymore - my ailrone servo should be on the right and the pitch on the left, or the reverse? Yes, I am trying to do a clean setup and have swash level and based on this adjust the rods length. In the process I also replaced all the plastic ends with genuine Algn links.

I am doing this initial setup on the heli itself without any FBL controller, is that OK?
My 3 servos are set at 60%, is that OK?



Well-Known Member
Convention says Aileron on Right & Pitch on Left in practice either way will work, I've often wondered why they are not called left and right aileron.

Alex Evans

OK, I am now at this stage:

1) The controlling factor is the elevator - I can't change / adjust it
2) Therefore, the Ailrone / Pitch need to be adjusted to it for the swash levelling

I have all control working each to the correct direction including, Pitch, Elevator, Ailerones
But : I do not manage to get to 90 degrees on Ailrone and Pitch at 50% throttle, it gets to beeing 90 degrees at about 2/3 throttle

I used control rods from the servo arms to the swash from my FB head parts. All this setup is on the hardware itself, without the use of any FBL / DFC controller - those devices will come next week (I hope).

So, should I try and fight it, or just wait and do it electronically when I have the items?

Attached 3 images of my current radio DX9 setup

20200620_185704 (Large).jpg 20200620_185721 (Large).jpg 20200620_185837 (Large).jpg 20200620_185704 (Large).jpg 20200620_185721 (Large).jpg 20200620_185837 (Large).jpg 20200620_185704 (Large).jpg


Well-Known Member
Just delete all of that and setup a new model. You can’t do any setup until you have your FBL controller installed. Swash type has to be set to ‘single servo’

Alex Evans

Smoggie, I started from a NEW machine and wanted to see how I go without the FBL Spirit, can't that be done?


Alex Evans

I didn't intend to try and finish setup. Just the 90 degrees to the servo, should I not even do this? Or mechanical swahplate levelling?

Once again, I must say, the quality of this DFC head from Garry is far from exciting... I have a noticeable movement of the swash ball between it and it's cage as well as between it and the shaft that came with the kit...

I am considering ordering a genuine Align swahplate kit.



Well-Known Member
No, you cant really do anything. All the setup is done in the FBL controller, including levelling the arms and assigning the correct swash type. The Tx needs to be left in basic default settings, no trim, no subtrim, no travel adjust, no reversing (yet) and no swash mixing.

If you adjust any of that stuff in the Tx you will get yourself in a real mess when it comes to setting up the FBL.

The GARTT kits and parts never were known for great quality I'm afraid. tarot is much better but I'm not sure if they do parts for the Trex 600 anymore?

Alex Evans

Yes, I understand now. Just wanted to have the right length of pushrods from the servos to the swashplate.
It seems I can find Align genuine parts for the DFC head, but not the central hub of the head.

Not directly related to this topic, but all questions I have asked on the Spirit forum, remain unanswered... The good feedback about this site is probably outdated...

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