Super Mod & DEAL KING!
TANK 1 :
Tank #1 Gov gain set to 30 percent, and magnetic clutch pickup installed. Have the back plate too, but not being used ..
The governor worked BEAUTIFULLY.. but listen to the overspeeding motor when I descend fast.. that means gov gain needs to go higher.
Vibe 50 Big block OS 91 HZ MSH BRAIN / IKON - YouTube
My tuning strategy is that I do punch outs going up and down with loads of positive and negative pitch to clean up the residual fuel that collects on ideling engine. Then I look for smoke puffs on top of the punch out.. where I letcome off pitch and let it come to mid stick. The motor loading on full positive pitch tells me I can make more power by leaning it out by two clicks or three.. for beginner 2 is good. keep doing that till I hear a ping or something doing those punch outs. At that point engine wont be loaidng and making massive power, but a pinging will mean LEAN.. back off to rich couple clicks.. and go again.. At this point I know my HIGH is good.. I know when I start leaning the MID, its gonna lean the engine overall .. , So I richen the engine a click more before I start playing with the mid.. Just to be safe.
Then I start working on the mid. THe best way to tune it is a well managed collective TIC TOC. A tic toc if done right is just mid needle. if I hear loading again, means I am rich.. If I hear the engine uphappy or ping, it is lean. from a tic toc going into a hover immediately, the engine will start to catch up. At this point, if it takes too long to settle to a happy sounding hovering engine means we are too lean. If its recovers to a healthy noise immediately, means we are good..
So do a ton of tic tocs, and listen for the engine bog. and how it sounds through the whole manuever. keep going in till you find that happy point.. At this point you might find that the high needle has gone a bit lean.. (sometimes) .. and at that point, if you do notice that, open it up one click again. Your needles are in "SYNC" and very close to being perfect tune.
If you have a temp gun handy.. take the temperature of the head on the fist heat sink fin on the head closest to the crank case. OS recommends not to go over 220 in any case.. I keep mine 180-200 .. its a bit rich.. but I dont smack and the engine runs happy.
How to tune a governor?
Like you will see in the video, I do punch outs, full collective going up, Governor will try to keep the RPM up.. and then immediately, throw negative pitch and let it descend FAST! listen to the motor (this is for electric or nitro) overspeeding.. ? gov gain needs to be higher.
Hunting ?? Gov gain needs to go lower. Just like tail gain, go up till you hear hunting, and lower the gain.
Also do your normal flying stuff.. whatever you feel comfortable with , if you come offpitch in any manuever and instead of hearing a constant RPM if you hear to much overspeeding or hunting.. gov gain needs adjustment..
EASY PEASY.. Governor is not worth having if you not gonna tune its gain. Its there to make your flying more easier and fun. a well tuned governor will make you feel like your bird has ENORMOUS power. a poorly tuned governor , and you wil loose power in over speeding, underspeeding, and hunting motor. 
TANK 2 :
Camera battery dies. Forgot the camera points lower to the ground on this one, so When I went higher, I went out of focus.. But the governor is doing good.. tuning the mid in this one, by the end of tank, I could effortlessly hold a tic toc in one place even slamming the sticks.. Which means GREAT POWER! governor gain needs to come higher. this is the way i tune the mid
Vibe 50 Big block OS 91 Tank 2. . - YouTube
Have fun
Tank #1 Gov gain set to 30 percent, and magnetic clutch pickup installed. Have the back plate too, but not being used ..
The governor worked BEAUTIFULLY.. but listen to the overspeeding motor when I descend fast.. that means gov gain needs to go higher.
Vibe 50 Big block OS 91 HZ MSH BRAIN / IKON - YouTube
My tuning strategy is that I do punch outs going up and down with loads of positive and negative pitch to clean up the residual fuel that collects on ideling engine. Then I look for smoke puffs on top of the punch out.. where I letcome off pitch and let it come to mid stick. The motor loading on full positive pitch tells me I can make more power by leaning it out by two clicks or three.. for beginner 2 is good. keep doing that till I hear a ping or something doing those punch outs. At that point engine wont be loaidng and making massive power, but a pinging will mean LEAN.. back off to rich couple clicks.. and go again.. At this point I know my HIGH is good.. I know when I start leaning the MID, its gonna lean the engine overall .. , So I richen the engine a click more before I start playing with the mid.. Just to be safe.
Then I start working on the mid. THe best way to tune it is a well managed collective TIC TOC. A tic toc if done right is just mid needle. if I hear loading again, means I am rich.. If I hear the engine uphappy or ping, it is lean. from a tic toc going into a hover immediately, the engine will start to catch up. At this point, if it takes too long to settle to a happy sounding hovering engine means we are too lean. If its recovers to a healthy noise immediately, means we are good..
So do a ton of tic tocs, and listen for the engine bog. and how it sounds through the whole manuever. keep going in till you find that happy point.. At this point you might find that the high needle has gone a bit lean.. (sometimes) .. and at that point, if you do notice that, open it up one click again. Your needles are in "SYNC" and very close to being perfect tune.
If you have a temp gun handy.. take the temperature of the head on the fist heat sink fin on the head closest to the crank case. OS recommends not to go over 220 in any case.. I keep mine 180-200 .. its a bit rich.. but I dont smack and the engine runs happy.
How to tune a governor?
Like you will see in the video, I do punch outs, full collective going up, Governor will try to keep the RPM up.. and then immediately, throw negative pitch and let it descend FAST! listen to the motor (this is for electric or nitro) overspeeding.. ? gov gain needs to be higher.
Hunting ?? Gov gain needs to go lower. Just like tail gain, go up till you hear hunting, and lower the gain.
Also do your normal flying stuff.. whatever you feel comfortable with , if you come offpitch in any manuever and instead of hearing a constant RPM if you hear to much overspeeding or hunting.. gov gain needs adjustment..
TANK 2 :
Camera battery dies. Forgot the camera points lower to the ground on this one, so When I went higher, I went out of focus.. But the governor is doing good.. tuning the mid in this one, by the end of tank, I could effortlessly hold a tic toc in one place even slamming the sticks.. Which means GREAT POWER! governor gain needs to come higher. this is the way i tune the mid
Vibe 50 Big block OS 91 Tank 2. . - YouTube
Have fun