
Cyclics Align DS615

Tail Align DS655

All I could afford.... Am gutted though as I just spotted a complete set of the servos I really really really wanted
Outrage BL9180's and BL9188 tail servos ... which normally for for $540 for the set ... for $400 :(...... anyway ... I have never had issues with the Align servos .....

Island Breeze

Senior Rc-Help Member
That's a bummer! the heli really came out looking nice. I am stuck with yuck yellow/green...lol I was debating between a new canopy, something to match my boom or Go-Pro.

Island Breeze

Senior Rc-Help Member
I will check it out. My yuck yellow/green is okay for the time being but that yellow is good looking. too bad they don't have any with a little bit of orange in it. I have a extra boom so if I get a new (yellow) canopy, I will have a extra set. I think I will get it custom painted.


Sounds like a great plan.

The 630 and 700 both share everything except
TAIL BLADES - not sure on that ....

The Rest is identical, canopy only has different paint scheme......


Well-Known Member
I got 4mm bullets on 10 ga wires for my 550 X Pro rewire (replaced the ESC with a CC 120 HV). I usually put a little heat on the tinned ends of the wires to soften them a touch, then use some pliers to squeeze the tinned end into a nice round shape. They will fit nicely, but you need the tinned end to be very nearly perfectly round.

Nice vid!

Also, I find using a little blow torch instead of a soldering iron to be helpful when doing these large connectors (4mm or larger). Heats up fast, can hold the connector in pliers in one hand and the wire or solder in the other. For me, it goes much more smoothly than trying to heat things up with the iron.

Island Breeze

Senior Rc-Help Member
I hate soldering...never seem to get it right the first time. Grrrr! job well done Westy! I see you and tony got that rubber band trick down.
Where did you get those connectors? I am hating the EC5's the housing seem to come apart, I remove excess solder from side just like you have done but they are still coming apart (cheap). Grrrrr!
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Thanks man.......... Like any welding ... the key is to try to heat each component and melt them together.

That is why you could see me pulling the wire out of the molten solder pool to see if the solder was melting on the wire. I use my thumb and finger about and inch to 2 away from the joint, tell me when the wiere is fused as the heat is almost upbearable. you just feel it SNAP up the cable inside and man does it get hot!

As I mentioned in my Video (and I am sure Tony has stated in his videos) COld solder joints are one of the biggest causes of electronics failure. Especially with high heat situations like ESC's and Battery connections.

Actually now that they (in their wisdom to protect the planet) have moved to non lead based soldering techniques .... the joints are now brittle and as they flex with heating up and cooling down over and over .... thy are fracturing. Whereas with a nice leaded solder joint, the lead keeps the joint nice and flexible and mallible and thus last a heck of a lot longer than the so called "MODERN" practices!

Got the XT 150 bag from HK <=== LINK THERE!

5 sets of 3 colours = $11.22

Glad I listened to Tony on getting the 6mm Xt150's ...... I would have been up the creek without them. - THANKS TONY!
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rc-help EXPERT.......????
Thanks man.......... Like any welding ... the key is to try to heat each component and melt them together.

That is why you could see me pulling the wire out of the molten solder pool to see if the solder was melting on the wire. I use my thumb and finger about and inch to 2 away from the joint, tell me when the wiere is fused as the heat is almost upbearable. you just feel it SNAP up the cable inside and man does it get hot!

As I mentioned in my Video (and I am sure Tony has stated in his videos) COld solder joints are one of the biggest causes of electronics failure. Especially with high heat situations like ESC's and Battery connections.

Actually now that they (in their wisdom to protect the planet) have moved to non lead based soldering techniques .... the joints are now brittle and as they flex with heating up and cooling down over and over .... thy are fracturing. Whereas with a nice leaded solder joint, the lead keeps the joint nice and flexible and mallible and thus last a heck of a lot longer than the so called "MODERN" practices!

Got the XT 150 bag from HK <=== LINK THERE!

5 sets of 3 colours = $11.22

Glad I listened to Tony on getting the 6mm Xt150's ...... I would have been up the creek without them. - THANKS TONY!

I will look into those plugs... might just go with a local option tho, the build is coming along real nice!


Thanks ... I am just getting frustrated as My TX has been in NZ now since Sunday ... and still clearing customs! have to pay GST 15% on the package! :( I should have got hte guy to send it all separate and paid the full shipping in hindsight. Has cost me in the end .... saved $15 on shipping and have to pay $90 taxes..... If only I had not been so excited ... I would have put a lot more thought into it and saved even more!

I am still building it for the same price incl TX and 2 sats .... as it would have cost here in NZ for the Goblin built to my specs alone!


rc-help EXPERT.......????
well, I guess it's as GRRRRRR, as me and my 500... only now it's not so much of a GRRR. Again sorry old chap, and be glad it wasn't 20-25%.


Its huge! haha ..... got my Lipo for the BEC and my 10Awg cables (1m Black and Red) + a nice big bag of Ec3's

and the only thing that is missing in action is my motor......
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Island Breeze

Senior Rc-Help Member
I will look into those connectors. just buy the customs guy breakfast and tell them they are holding up your maiden. lol


Finally ... got an invoice from Customs and paid it immediately! (What choice did I have) $143 bucks ($112 USD)...

All the other bits should arrive today ... bar the motor which is MIA at hte moment.... tracking says it is in USA still. Yet I have my TX shipped out the same time and it arrived in NZ 5 days ago. So hope it is not lost!


rc-help EXPERT.......????
hope, there out of the states, but never can be sure... I've lost more than one parcel in our mail systems. what hobby stuff you could get with 112$.... sorry it had to happen to you, and I hope you get all the stuff ok!
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