Well-Known Member
Well here is another find I'm a bit excited to find.
While going through my pictures to update my personal website ( still )... I came across what I thought was just a nice shot of the Cresent Moon at sunset that I took back in March of 2013. I had made some smaller versions ( for web use etc ), but I hadn't done any processing that I could tell on it. Of course it wasn't a big surprise, other than the Cresent Moon, the sky was clear with a typical dark blue down to a rusty red dusk and no clouds to speak of... pretty but not particularly outstanding outside of the Moon itself.
Well, I liked the Moon a lot ( who doesn't like a nice Cresent Moon ) and then chose one that had a power pole and trees that I liked to frame it with ( they all had those, I just picked the one I liked the most from them ). So I proceeded with the post processing. When I finished, I thought I saw a star with a trail on it and was sort of cussing that even though star trails are a thing to be expected with most night shots. Then I noticed, it also had a "tail"... and I looked closer, the other stars had no trails on them ( nor tails ).
So I did some quick research... I expected that I'd just caught a meteorite by luck but wanted to make certain. Turns out.. it was Comet Panstarrs instead. This will be the 3rd comet I've caught a pic of. Now I'm wishing I went outside right after sunset to see if I could find Comet Leonard or not. With the cold snap we've got, it's a good chance at getting a shot of it.
To find the Comet in the pic ( it's not huge by any means )... find the power line that is just over the Moon and go to the left side just about the same distance that the Moon is from the right side.. and look under the power line.

While going through my pictures to update my personal website ( still )... I came across what I thought was just a nice shot of the Cresent Moon at sunset that I took back in March of 2013. I had made some smaller versions ( for web use etc ), but I hadn't done any processing that I could tell on it. Of course it wasn't a big surprise, other than the Cresent Moon, the sky was clear with a typical dark blue down to a rusty red dusk and no clouds to speak of... pretty but not particularly outstanding outside of the Moon itself.
Well, I liked the Moon a lot ( who doesn't like a nice Cresent Moon ) and then chose one that had a power pole and trees that I liked to frame it with ( they all had those, I just picked the one I liked the most from them ). So I proceeded with the post processing. When I finished, I thought I saw a star with a trail on it and was sort of cussing that even though star trails are a thing to be expected with most night shots. Then I noticed, it also had a "tail"... and I looked closer, the other stars had no trails on them ( nor tails ).
So I did some quick research... I expected that I'd just caught a meteorite by luck but wanted to make certain. Turns out.. it was Comet Panstarrs instead. This will be the 3rd comet I've caught a pic of. Now I'm wishing I went outside right after sunset to see if I could find Comet Leonard or not. With the cold snap we've got, it's a good chance at getting a shot of it.
To find the Comet in the pic ( it's not huge by any means )... find the power line that is just over the Moon and go to the left side just about the same distance that the Moon is from the right side.. and look under the power line.