Rob Lancaster
Well-Known Member
Welcome back buddy!
Hm, that moment when you are winding down for the night (happened at 0400) and your smoke alarm goes off, but just one beep. So you get up and look around and nothing. Then it goes off and this time, two beeps. Again, nothing. I'm feeling all power bricks, checking all connections roaming around like a field mouse, nothing. Then the smoke alarm goes off for another beep....
At this point, I'm checking from one end of the house to the other. I'm even checking the smoke alarms themselves since they are wired into house power. Nothing.
Then you catch a whiff of something. Something let the smoke out. but like a fart in the wind, it's gone... It's been almost 20 minutes since the last alarm and I'm more wired now than I was yesterday after two pots of coffee....
No idea whatsoever on what let the smoke out. Gotta love living in the digital age when everything, including the toaster has a logic chip in it.... Having a little liquid sleeping aid to help calm the nerves this morning since I'm supposed to be asleep right now...
Nice camera!
Nice camera!.
Except he could have had a V8... er... Nikon ... LMAO
The ole Canon vs Nikon arguement... much like the Chevy vs Ford ( or which ever ) and equally stupid. Hope you have fun shooting some pics Rob.
Excellent!thankfully they were able to get it back up and running quickly!
The camera brand battle has been going on longer than I've been around. Most of the professionals will say that if you go Canon, you have access to the largest amount of quality lenses anywhere. Others in the field mention how Canon is so big and entrenched, that they are slow to innovate... and these tend to go with Nikon since they probably produce the second largest amount of quality lenses. So it seems it's what lenses each have available to them that is a big part of why they pick the brand they do and what features come in right after that. Sony would probably still come in third ( I've been out of keeping up with this market for a while so, may be old info ) and the reason most often praised is their sensors are second to none. Of course, Sony doesn't have near the amount of lens to choose from as the other two, so their audience is more niche. I suspect that Panasonic Lumix still falls about forth in the list having excellent quality and a lot of features... their only complaint I've often seen is the limited number of available lenses.
Unless you are a pro, the number of lenses or some other feature set is probably not going to matter as much. The only thing that matters is the potential quality of the shot you can get with a good enough camera. While I have gotten lucky with some of my shots certainly, my best shots are usually the ones I've planned out well by searching the locations I have around me, looking for the time of day so I get the lighting I'd like to achieve and then the composition of the shot itself. On that last one, the composition, I will always try to take a wider angle shot than I'm after and then I can crop into the actual shot I want. I tend to go for something about 1/4 of the frame more than I'm after so I can level the pic if I missed that or get the subject into just the right place in frame. There have been numerous times I had one composition in mind as I was taking the shot and when processing it, found another composition that I liked more. Having more in frame during a shoot gives you a lot more options when processing.
Addendum: The camera kit did not come with an USB cable. But I have a card reader. Yes! It works!..........
I did a little dabbling today.
These two shots were taken right behind the house. I’ve been watching these two buzzy birds since they were in their shells. They are Red Whiskered Bulbuls. From India originally. Farmers and the like don’t like these buzzies and the red vented Bulbul, the close cousin. They are considered pests. I make them do major flight tricks or simply come to me for a bread ball. I’m telling you; these birds handle like UFOs! LOL!!
OOPS! The HD pictures won't attach.
This looks like a job for.............................
It's Photoscape gentlemenI believe D.O.G. has also mentioned the program that he likes several times,
Welcome back URI! Now go toss a helicopter in the air and forget about all the junk for 5 minutes lol.Good mornig yall. I am on my phone so if the typos look odd i missed the correcrion. Anyhow since a number of you are new to me ill introduce myself. For those of you who know me its been a while. Long story short life has been happening. Things like buying a house and girlfriends and kids job cars and bathroom remodel. So for now i am slowly working back into the hobby. I wont be full tilt like i was. I am in the process of training on being a pentester. I just started and thats going to be my main focus for the year.
My fleet is in my sig. Nothing new since then. The only heli that flies right now is my oxy3 TE 2018. Which is just fine for me. I can sorta fly in my front yard with it.
My solar project is back seated for the last 3 years and now that i no longer have a vehicle for it, back burner for now. Just keeping it brief for now. Have a great day.