How hard could it possibly be to make a backup of all of your files and a system image...
So I have finally setup a Network Storage where I can hold all of my files and my backups of all of my computers so that I don't have to keep files on them. So I decided today that I would go ahead and get the full backup setup and done and that is just what I did. As it was running, it took forever to get the file system done for the first time which I knew would happen, but then it tried to do the System Image and failed every single time.
I ended up creating another partition on the NAS just for the system image thinking maybe it just didn't like the space available on that other partition. I started the backup and as soon as it started creating it, it would fail.
So finally I went and grabbed an old SSHD that I took out of my laptop when I put the SSD in it and put that in my desktop and started the backup again, and guess what.... It actually completed...
I started doing some research on this issue and it turns out, if you want to do a backup of your file system, you can do it on a NAS and you can have a username and password protecting it. But if you want to create a system image, it can NOT have a username and password for some stupid reason. Randy, do you have any idea why it is done this way and a solution so that I can create an image on my NAS directly? I know you can only have one, and one is all you need and I have it, but I still have to do all of this on multiple other computers and I really don't want to have to backup the files to the NAS and the image to a separate disk and then move it to the drive... So if you have a solution, let me know.
So yea, that is pretty much what I have been up to today... My head hurts now...