What Did You Do Today???


Well-Known Member
just read some political news and gossips, some of our local politicians wants to ban ALL RC toys from our parks. Yep that includes little toy trucks and cars and boats, anything RC... BAN :(

It's happening in some local council areas in Australia as well, but on the other hand some councils (Brisbane for one) are working towards setting up Parks that are available for individuals to fly Drones and Park flyers without having to have Club membership.

As well as that we have a relatively new organization the AMAS that is an alternative to the MAAA which is the Australian equivalent to the AMA and they provide insurance to individuals at a very good rate $45/year that covers you anywhere provided you have permission to fly on that property. Works well for me as we have permission to fly on a local schools ovals.


Staff member
Just brought the old Q6600 computer back out into the studio. I had taken it inside to see if I could build a cheap iRacing computer, and I did lol. It ran it just fine. Not all on high settings, but it's a friggin 270 gpu lmao. I paid $20 for it. Not too shabby. But, needed a computer out here so that I can come out here and shoot videos as well as check in on the site when I want to. Of course, it was not without issues.

For some reason my NIC was not getting an IP address from my router. I have no idea why. At first I thought it was the NIC so I put another one in it. Same issue, no network access. After some troubleshooting I found out the computer didn't have an IP address. So I assigned an IP address manually and everything started working. Sometimes I hate computers lmao. But now everything is connected up and we are ready to get busy on the ALZRC 450 and the Gobby, both of which are out here in the studio with me.

We are also talking about some things to help the site out. Going to be a bit on those, but they are coming.


Friday 20 Oct 2017 17:43 local time (15:43 UTC).

Just a normal Friday, I only work 80% since a year back and after around 40 years of 100% plus, quite hard work, it feels very okay.
I am since a year off work on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
My wife is right now abroad working for at least a month so I need to handle all " daily business"
It is okay since I have time doing it even if the cleaning, washing, ironing not are the things I prefer to do:)
Altough, cooking I like, find it very relaxing and also give some room to be creative.
My first work at school holiday (15 years old) got me hooked enjoy cooking.
It was at a Swedish Airforce Base and the Military Guys did not execute me :)
Of course it was because all staff, working there permanet, educated and helped me a lot.

TEAMWORK is what counts in the end!
Leave any egocentric feelings/thinkings behind you.

A very nice weekend to you all!!



Staff member
A little early for sim sunday since it's only saturday lmao.

Me, I'm having MASSIVE network issues. It's almost like there is a loop somewhere that I can't find...


Well-Known Member
I've just been keeping up with some storm chasers in the SW of the state... currently just keeping an eye on the radar and I'm guessing things will start getting a bit more active here in about an hour. While the SW has had several small tornadoes, the meteorologists were not expecting them here in central Oklahoma... a low risk.


Staff member
Tornado warned storm heading right for us bro lol. Velocity doesn't look all that impressive, but it does have a little sheer.


Staff member
Hey Geena, Just had a tornado just a few miles from my house hehehe. This is exciting!!!


Well-Known Member
When I saw the rotation on radar heading my way from Blanchard... I went ahead and headed to work where we've got a basement I can shelter in. Got there about 10 minutes ahead of the rotation... headed inside when the wind started switching directions, so the rotation was pretty close to me. Then the gully washer came... almost couldn't see when driving back to the house. All of the damage I know of was a few miles south of me at the Casino.


Staff member
I think I'm done with Asus routers. I love them, I really like the features in them stock, but I just don't have luck with them. Spent all day yesterday trying to figure out what in the hell was wrong with my network here at the house. Two trips into town to get two different routers and I think it's finally fixed. I had the Asus AC3100 and it was great, then just died. So I went back and returned it for another one just like it. Hooked it up and same thing... After hours of thinking it had to be something else, we took that one back and ended up with the Linksys WRT3200ACM which I promptly installed ddwrt onto and so far, things are back where they should be.

They need to go back to building stuff to last instead of cutting corners in production to save a penny...


Staff member
lmao, It was just a small spin up. The Beach Boys were playing at the casino where our Governor was attending when they took a direct hit. No one hurt that I know of.


Staff member
Good to hear no one was hurt. Taking a direct hit from even a small tornado does not sound like something I would want to experience though. I would be a nervous wreck if I lived out there..lol
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