Working On The Email Issue... Again...


Staff member
Just want to let you know, I'm aware of the email issue and I'm currently working on it. Not sure when I will have a fix in place, but wanted to keep y'all updated.


Staff member
I think the issue is corrected. Forgot to open a port for the emails. Let me know if you are not receiving emails and I will dig a little futher.


Staff member
Had a few minutes and went in and did some work to the email system. I'm no longer using rc-help specific emails, I'm going through the server, however the email will show to come from Wanted to post this so you know this is a legit email at this time so that y'all can get updates and I can turn on email registration again.


Staff member
Please note, any email from this website coming from will likely fall into your spam folder for the first email. If you set this address as a trusted address, you should receive all others without issue. Just be sure to check the spam folder periodically for emails from the site for a bit.
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