This is another thing that frustrates me. All these people responded to the re-opening so where are they now.
This is my weekend to work, unfortunately I have to play Army this weekend so I am missing on 2 days at work. Gaui and Protos Mini are still down, although I am planning on new servos soon for the Gaui. I am also working on getting the HP DPS600PB power supplies ready for use. I am looking at the components needed to complete the build. I am looking at a 2k-10k ohm potentiometer, bullets, two maybe four switches, two digital voltage displays and 10g silicone wire. The case I am still trying to work out, not quite sure which route I want to go. One way is to build it out of 1/2 or 3/8 ply or hard wood, get an existing case and modify or go acrylic. The last way would be expensive, laborious, time consuming and the best looking but not the lightest. If I go pre existing case which one do I go for thats cheap, I will still need to add the deck inside also. My final design will need to fit a third DPS600PB as a drop and plug in when I get that power source. I will also need the switches, potentiometer and meter. My goal is to be ready to buy a PowerLab PL6. If I want to push that puppy to the limit I will need 30V of power, hence why I need the potentiometers. Those will allow me to drop the voltage to 10v per power unit. Hopefully ill be able to stress the psu less and still m,ax out total available power across the psu,s. The problem I have is finding the correct pot for the job. I have found them but not quite what i need. So if anyone knows anything about please help.
most of this should have been in the charger side of the forum. Ok might I digress. Work was PITA today, 12 hours of labor and I was almost late, well I was late because I was not in my work area on time even though I was on site on time.