I just redid my headlights. Some of you may laready know I went a attempted to polish my head lights about a year ago while I was in Texas. I had some major weathering going on and it really affected the performance of the lights. I had a crap load of diffusion which is not a good thing when driving at night. So my first attempt was with Turtle Wax, that kit is only good for minor yellowing. THen I tried the Meguiars kit which made some improvement but again this kit is for minor yellowing or weathering.
Not to long ago I had to replace my head lamps, one burned out. I got a set that are brighter than the stock lamp but not the brightest I can get without modification. I was still not getting the full potential from my lamps. So today I got a 3M leans restoration kit (
http://www.tcpglobal.com/MMM-39008_2.html?gclid=CNK9xJGYz8QCFZSCaQodRokAzw#.VRjKIfnF-z4) from Advanced Auto. The only reason I got this was for the drill attachment. After getting home I decided to use the full kit on my lenses. Had I left the first lens on the car I would have had both sides done in about an hour. Now my lenses look almost new again. Yes they are absolutely clear now and I am now casting shadows which is a good sign. Defused light wont cast much of a shadow, photography 101. Once I got the lamps turned on I could still some pits in the plastic. I am not to concerned since the lens is now clear. I probably could redo the whole thing again starting with the 500 git and work it a little longer but I see no added benefit in doing so.
I will post up pics tomorrow. I am finally going to make a day of flying starting at noon. so maybe once I get settled at the field I will post some pics.
Now I am waiting on the mail man. I have my new Kbar mini, new boom set. boom supports, skids, tail output case (kit) and 2 push rods for the X3 in route. As for the new micro quad, I have 2 sets of props and 2 more batteries in route. Should be a good mail week for me.
My stock on the X3 is starting to grow. I already have a boom and torque tube ready to go.