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Blade Scraper; I just bought & item from them a couple weeks ago & the last I heard it's sitting in JFK by the tracking & hasn't updated from JFK for two days now ! I think they stop off in Hawaii & party for awhile it takes so long !


Staff member
I'm trying to get computers fixed... And clean up the yard... And cut down trees... and a lot more crap that I REALLY dont' want to be doing....


Well-Known Member
oh's time to go to work.....again. I just went to work yesterday...why do I have to go again? ugh.

ok, i'm done whining...i'm off to work, lol.

Take care!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh crap that sucks... well last weekend was My little boys birthday he turned 6 so to start the day on that Sunday we took him to the Chicago model masters airfield they have a beautiful paved runway love it... he had a blast got to see 2 sbach 342's fly at same time both beautiful 4 stroke gasser's the grin on his and my 4yr olds faces was priceless so it looks like I found My New airfield... finally got the retracts working in the redtail also.. didn't get to fly any this weekend due to my daughter being sick sucked...


hi Tony Danny again I'm sorry for all the mistakes that I made the last time I posted a post but I still don't really know what I'm doing. And I lost all the responses that everybody sent me to help me out.

A few the fellas did try to help me out and tell me how to do things but I lost all of it when my computer crashed and has been a tragedy in my family. My cousin passed away so it's been kind of hectic and I haven't had a chance to really concentrate on this forum. I hope this message gets out and everybody can try to explain this again to me because I really want to get into the helicopters. I went into this hobby blind and with no guidance and reading the instructions is like reading stereo instructions.

I hope you guys give me a chance and get to know the forum better and understand it and how to work it. I only send messages to you Tony because I just hit reply and everybody else that sent me a message I lost I lost it.

I hope this message gets out and you guys can be a little bit more patient with me.


PS I do want to make a donation no I just don't know how to do it. So I hope I talk to you soon Tony and maybe one day I get to learn how to use this forum.


Well-Known Member
Hi there, Danny! I'm terribly sorry to hear about your cousin passing.

In all honesty, getting use to this forum is really easy (my opinion, of course). Just take some take and browse through the topics and sub topics. You are interested in rc heli's. Well, on the main forum page, just scroll down until you see "Helicopters." Click on'll see several sub topics for the varying sizes of heli's. Click on the size that interests you and just look around. Super simple!

In the meantime....when you have questions..just keep posting them. We'll help ya out, for sure!


Well-Known Member
As Derek said Danny just and we all well do our best to help you out.. and I am also sorry to hear about your loss it is always tough to lose a family member... especially when it is a close one you will soon see we are all like one big extended family on this forum so with that being said WELCOME TO THE RC-HELP FAMILY and can't wait to see how you progress in this hobby
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