Hi Steve, I didn't expect the charger to destroy itself but my concern lay more with the batteries. I've finished the charging for this evening ready to fly early tomorrow morning. Weather looks ok but I'm expecting to be a bit chilly.
I did six batteries, which had all been used for about 9mins. So far the longest for these particular examples. I set up the charger to give 99% of its capacity to channel 1 and connected up two batteries. I programmed the 10,000mAh and achieved a charge rate as shown below in the photo. It took 52mins to charge 3,594mAh to each battery. So far my fastest charge rate.
The next charge was with four batteries (2 per channel) set up as normal 5,000mAh batteries and 50/50 capacity to each channel. It gave a charge rate of 5A. I increased the amps on each channel to 5.5A and then 6A. The rate increased at first to around 5.5A but only went up to 5.6A when the rate was set at 6A. This took 86mins to do the four batteries. This is all much faster than I was previously able to achieve. I'm still waiting for the three balance extensions so can't test any more right now.
I also checked out the charger you pictured earlier on in the thread. It's a real monster! Mine tops out at around 25A with a setting of 30A, so I suppose is a demonstration of your comment above. Without being able to tap into the control software, there's no way to increase. By the way, I dropped the capacity percentage when 'kidding' the charger with the 10,000mAh to prevent it from over-charging the batteries and it terminated as expected with a constant current 'soaking' after the constant voltage charge.