Finally got some decent weather here. No wind, 50+ degrees, sun and clouds. Took an hour yesterday evening to put in some flights.
350QX: 3 flights. Testing new extended landing struts and my moving of the compass sensors. Also testing some batteries I bought off a fellow traveler here on RCH. At first I was concerned with the battery I was testing. It had zero punch. Full throttle and it would maybe climb, mostly it stayed where it was. Flight time was like 2 minutes, tops. THis was on a fully charged pack. So I put it on the charger and discharged it, then did a slowish charge. Got much better after that, but still falling off too soon. Hoping another couple of cycles will get it them working at full capacity. First time encountering this with a lipo pack. They're behaving like a nicd pack that got some memory effect. New skids are great.
Goblin 500: 2 flights. Need to work on tuning the bank settings on this one for piro and roll rates. But I got in some good half piro flips, during the second flight I actually strung three in a row together, keeping the heli in a box in the sky (a large box, but a box none the less).
550X: One flight. I had a minor crash with it during my club's end of winter fun fly a month or so ago. Tried autoing it in from 6 feet up and missed the landing box stamped into the snow, popped it up and tried to spin it back up but the auto-rotation recovery is sluggish on this so it didn't spin up in time and I ended up having to cut throttle and float it in as best I could. Ended up breaking a blade and a plastic link end. So replaced the broken stuff and also tore down the head and repacked the thrust bearings and oiled up the radials. So this was a post-crash test flight. There is some drifting in the FBL unit now and I think there is a blade tracking problem. I'm hoping the blade tracking is causing some vibration in it and that's why the fbl is drifting around a bit. Also was seeing some odd direction changes on inverted rainbows. Again, hoping tracking induced vibes are throwing the FBL. I checked feathering shaft and it was not bent. Main shaft seemed to be spinning true too. May need to pull the blades off and do some ground testing for vibes if a tracking adjustment doesn't fix it.