It is not a cultural difference... this is what happens in a free market. People build crap and try to sell it, someone gets burned, negative reviews are posted, product stops selling. Likewise someone builds something awesome, someone is pleased, positive reviews are posted, product gains popularity. This model transcends borders and cultures.
The problem is that the cheap chinese goods often are counterfeit, sold as something that they are not for the sole purpose of deception and making a quick buck. The problem here is that word quickly gets out that "name brand" goods from company XYZ are counterfeit, and then the whole company suffers. These folk only make money due to uninformed individuals looking to get a bargain.
Now as for Chinese helping or hurting this hobby, since this is my first post, I will say that they are ultimately helping it. The pros are:
1. Align is Chinese... and they make a decent product.
2. Some of the clones are quite nice. This forces the price down for all models including the name brand models.
3. The production is currently insane because it costs Align and other companies next to nothing to make a model, but they will easily make $100+ in profits. This creates a surplus that further drops prices and prevents shortages. If you want a Trex, you can have one. No need to wait months for the factory to spit out a few new units.
The same can be said for the secondary parts market. Most of us have not problem finding a local shop that sells Align parts.
The cons? Well, you guys are all supporting China. The current barrier to market entry is immense. No outfit in the United States could hope to start up factory production of a comparable helicopter and sell it for a competitive price without incurring some serious losses. The start-up capital alone would sink all but the most ambitious of individuals. Still, there are folks like me that would gladly pay an extra 50% to have something built and supported domestically.
The sad part is when competition forces the domestic factories to close shop. This causes competing models to be eliminated to the point that all we see are a bunch of Trex clones. Sure, you can go with some of the specialty models like the SAB or MSHeli, etc, but these will either suffer from higher costs, lower durability, or some other tradeoff due to the fierce competition. Even if you do go this route, parts availability becomes an issue.