Cars 2 day old nitro buggy won't start!!!


Staff member
The groove is there to keep the barrel from rotating in the body, it's normal. The way you keep air from leaking through that is that rubber boot that expands out. make sure when you put the carb on that you have a good o-ring on the bottom side of it and you push it down HARD and tighten the pinch nut. Don't over tighten the pinch nut though. you can break the carb neck. Make sure the barrel where your high speed needle goes in is screwed down and sealed as well. Then check the glow plug and make sure it's tight and has the gasket on it. I would also pull the head off and make sure there is at least one seal (very thin washer) in there. Also, make sure the rear cover has a good gasket or o-ring and it's seated well.

If all of that checks out, you may be sucking in air from teh front bearing. The only cure for that is a new bearing.

Make sure you have a good pressure line going from the exhaust muffler to the fuel tank and that you have a good seal on the tank lid to hold the pressure. If you do not have pressure, it will lean way out and cause issues like you are having.


Staff member
Just open up Safari and use the standard (Full Site). There is a little picture icon at the top of the reply box. It's hard to get to with a phone, but you can do it. Once you click that little button, you will have to zoom OUT of the screen so that you can get the little window to appear.


New Member
I have had my exceed buggy 1/16 for 5 days now and I have stripped the drive gear on the rear differential and I am having a little trouble finding parts. Does anyone know where I can parts for it and if there is any metal gears or lockers that I can swap into the car? It suck's because I would like to run it more since I got it.
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