500 Align Trex 500-XT

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Can't find the Pro Edition on beast site.
Another concern of mine is, remember, I'm using a Gen 1 DX8. Can those add ons be programmed with my DX8 or does the upgrade need a forward programmable radio? :dunno:
I thought that the gyro that came with the kit would be able to take care of all that needs to be programmed into it for heli flight.


Goblin 380 Supporter
Rob, so the only thing is you need the USBsys cable or the Spektrum cable to do the upgrade. You have to have a studioX account which you create. At the Beastx site find StudioX (it's in the support tab) and then you download the software. Then you create an account. When you plug your device in it will show what version and what's available for upgrade. Typicity you would use a paypal account to pay, then the flash is done though StudioX. You will get attitude control which is their rescue/ self-leveling and bank switching. It has nothing to do with your transmitter. Forward programing is a Spektrum thing. And good deal on the revomix. You won't need it for sport flying.

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Rob, so the only thing is you need the USBsys cable or the Spektrum cable to do the upgrade. You have to have a studioX account which you create. At the Beastx site find StudioX (it's in the support tab) and then you download the software. Then you create an account. When you plug your device in it will show what version and what's available for upgrade. Typicity you would use a paypal account to pay, then the flash is done though StudioX. You will get attitude control which is their rescue/ self-leveling and bank switching. It has nothing to do with your transmitter. Forward programing is a Spektrum thing. And good deal on the revomix. You won't need it for sport flying.
Excellent! :hdbng:

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Ok guy's, I got good news, and some not so good news.
First the good news. fran, I think we had a misunderstanding about my transmitter woes. But no problem, I figured it out and I finished all TX, and Beast programming. This thing is cool! I did a few run-ups in the hangar today to check all this and that. The blade tracking was perfect right out of the gate! Nice!

Now for the not so good news.
If it wasn't raining all day, it was pouring!
I had to scrub all flight tests till this weather blows over. DOE!! HA! :very_drunk:


Goblin 380 Supporter
Welcome to the club, if it not raining here its blowing wind. Haven't had a perfect day since easter....

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Oh heck, I almost forgot the gyro's gain settings..
I know it's in Heading Lock (blue) but I can't figure out if I use the TX or the Beast to program the individual flight mode gain settings.
And how, just for kicks, do I switch between Rate and Heading Lock?
Thanks again and it's been pouring over here, and more on the way. So let's kick tail in the hagar and I hope we get some bolt action in the sky. LOL!!

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Lets see, the TX sets the tail gain (in all flight modes) and the beast sets the rest, right?? I think this manual is leaving something out, like how do I get into the gyro's set mode?? And how do I switch between Rate and Lock mode?
Oh, I almost forgot, with this setup, I'm not supposed to use any (DR/Expo) in the TX, right??? The gyro does all that right?? I'm a bit confused over here. o_O And just when I thought I was com'n around the bend of understanding this gyro, , (I'm thinking, say what?) HA!.... Pan, Pan, Pan....


Goblin 380 Supporter
Let me see if I can answer your questions without forgetting anything. First, you want to enable the gyro function in your transmitter. You will assign a switch, usually switch D. With Spektrum, negative numbers for rate and positive numbers for heading hold. The LEDs will show the current gain when you move the switch. You will be setting the gain in the transmitter for your tail Gyro. How much gain will depend on your flight style and the size of your model. I normally start around 50% heading hold and may be 35% in rate. Now for DR and expo, if you are using one of the presets (flying style) microbeast adds a little bit of expo to just about all of them. If you wanted to you can set it to TX (the flying style) and then you would be free to adjust DR and expo to your liking. The flying style is set in the parameter menu. Hope this helps.

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Let me see if I can answer your questions without forgetting anything. First, you want to enable the gyro function in your transmitter. You will assign a switch, usually switch D. With Spektrum, negative numbers for rate and positive numbers for heading hold. The LEDs will show the current gain when you move the switch. You will be setting the gain in the transmitter for your tail Gyro. How much gain will depend on your flight style and the size of your model. I normally start around 50% heading hold and may be 35% in rate. Now for DR and expo, if you are using one of the presets (flying style) microbeast adds a little bit of expo to just about all of them. If you wanted to you can set it to TX (the flying style) and then you would be free to adjust DR and expo to your liking. The flying style is set in the parameter menu. Hope this helps.

Ahoy, hoy Fran, yes, yes! This turned the trick big time. It's still raining so I just kept at it and was finally able to figure out the rate to lock mode and TX rudder settings. Ding, the light finally came on, LOL! It's easy............ About the DR and Expo setting. per your instructions, I went into the parameter menu to set the Control style (B) LED. Factory default is supposed to be set on sport but it was already set to TX (solid blue).. Wow, I wonder how I did that, ha.. Ok, I think I ready for fight testing. Is there anything else I should be aware of?
Thanks chief...


Goblin 380 Supporter
True, if it were a new microbeast, everything should have been at their defaults. The default setting of "sport" in the control style will set a 35% expo believe it or not. So, a good place to start. Only thing I can say is to make absolute sure everything is moving in the right directions and that the gyro is correcting in the right directions. Pick the heli up and tilt it side to side and back and forth. The swash should try to correct the opposite way. Standard pre-flight for any FBL controller. If you're at all nervous, nothing wrong with strapping on some training gear for the first spin up. I've been flying model helicopters since the early 80s and still do it on my first test. You never know what could go wrong. Just until I pick the machine up for a second, then I cut them off. Sounds like your good to go, cheers!

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
True, if it were a new microbeast, everything should have been at their defaults. The default setting of "sport" in the control style will set a 35% expo believe it or not. So, a good place to start. Only thing I can say is to make absolute sure everything is moving in the right directions and that the gyro is correcting in the right directions. Pick the heli up and tilt it side to side and back and forth. The swash should try to correct the opposite way. Standard pre-flight for any FBL controller. If you're at all nervous, nothing wrong with strapping on some training gear for the first spin up. I've been flying model helicopters since the early 80s and still do it on my first test. You never know what could go wrong. Just until I pick the machine up for a second, then I cut them off. Sounds like your good to go, cheers!

Yup, all servos are compensating in the right direction, and as far as the training wheels go,, I've been using this platform for years and wouldn't have it any other way. Note the red arrow, that's one of those Lazy Susan wide bearing things. It's mounted between two planks of wood. The mounting strap bolts screws into the countersunk nuts on the underside of the top plank. Now if you want to release the locking screw, (yellow arrows) you got full rudder capability swath. She's completely held down and can be controlled if the ka ka hits the fan.

Let's rock! .....................


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Goblin 380 Supporter
Nice job guys. I've been reading and learning from these back and forth conversation. I also have a setup like that when the Admiral shows me his. It's all good but remember that some helis like Align leans forward. When the heli is level, check the main shaft, and you will see that the main shaft isn't perpendicular...it's leaning forward. You might get false reading when it comes to setting up. My self, which doesn't mean it's right, I make sure the main shaft is perpendicular from the front view and the side view before I do my setup. Just throwing it out there.

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Nice job guys. I've been reading and learning from these back and forth conversation. I also have a setup like that when the Admiral shows me his. It's all good but remember that some helis like Align leans forward. When the heli is level, check the main shaft, and you will see that the main shaft isn't perpendicular...it's leaning forward. You might get false reading when it comes to setting up. My self, which doesn't mean it's right, I make sure the main shaft is perpendicular from the front view and the side view before I do my setup. Just throwing it out there.

Glad you are learning just like me.
Yup, got to pay attention to the forward tilt. I guess that's why the book says to place the main blades parallel to the tail boom. That way when you do the pitch settings, it will be level. If you set 90 deg's, or perpendicular from that, oh jeez o man, don't do it!
Now if the tilt doesn't turn out to be to my taste, I'll just replace the front skid strut with a rear strut, boom, level birdy.
Still raining over here. that's cool, we need it...

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Hi guys!
I finally had time for another flight test.
This time, I just need to make sure the tail rotor is going to do it's thing. Especially during start-up. It didn't
Well when I unlock my turntable, and start it up, wow! Wild strong spin till the head speed gets much higher. Than it seems to get better.
The heading hold is confinsating correctly.
All servos are traveling in the right direction and limits. Just a wild spinning at startup.
What do you guys think about this one???
Thanks ahead.................
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