It's been a busy day today, with Christmas gift delivery and family gatherings - so I've only gotten to check in on the forum in between errands. But now I've got some time
This are my settings in the previously posted flight vid:
Normal mode
Governed 1850 rpm head speed.
+11° high stick
0° mid
-1.5° low stick
1 minute 10 seconds on the timer
The reason for such a short flight is that I didn't really know how long the batteries would last. But I've run the motor batteries and Rx batteries through charge now, and can make an estimate;
I put 480 mah back into both the 6S packs - this would give approximately 8 minutes of flight. But as this flight only was hovering, I'm betting I will get a bit shorter flights when I start to push the bird a little. For my next flight I will set the timer to 3 minutes, then do another estimate after charging.
Before the maiden, I did a 1 minute spool up, where the bird just sat on the ground with full HS at 0° pitch - just for testing purposes.
So I got two "flights" on my Rx pack - I put 150 mah back into the pack. So an estimated 28 minutes of flight time on 1 Rx charge then - or 9 flights when taking the motor pack capacity into the equation. Seeing I only have two sets of flight packs, the Rx pack will do fine for now
Flight notes:
The bird seemed very stable in take off and hover - but still felt pretty agile when given stick input. The flight was so short I couldn't really get a good feel for it - today's flight was mostly about "will it fly?"
I did one CC pirouette which it performed perfectly. The tail felt very agile as well - or at least not sluggish or slow. The landing was gentle and was easy to control.
I weighed the bird yesterday, and she weighs 4.5 kgs with packs. She is a bit front heavy, so I will look into weighting down the tail in some manner - don't know how yet, but will figure something out.
Further videos will be posted in my "Learning to fly" video thread.
I have a bunch of pictures as well, which will be posted in the picture section sooner or later.
Thanks for watching