Well now,this one goes in the "Who Knew" category.Thoughts on waterproofing ESCs?
3rd short flight out over the canal behind the house, Compass vibrated loose and rotated a bit to the left. That in turn played hell with my directions, forward stick made it go somewhat left. Took a bit for me to realize what was happening, I started to compensate for the weird stick control and Almost got it back to dry land, but not quite, I had to dodge over hanging tree limbs and Banana trees and ended up in the water right at the edge, no more than a couple inched deep.
My son to the rescue, pulled it out and I immediately disconnected the battery and took it apart and blew out what I could and packed all the touchy parts in a bag of rice for a few days.Go Pro powered up but today its not doing so. 2 dead ESCs., dunno bout the rest yet.Motors and Rx all seem to work.
Got to check out the FC Vid Tx and OSD setup one at a time yet.
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One more thought.
Anyone come up with a way of waterproofing?
Maybe fill the ends of the heat shrink with Silicone?