I don't think thats what it is, but like i said ,i have no clue what it is. There are no identifing marks,names,or anything else one it. I took it to a hobby shop and they dont know what it is,i dont even know what size the motor is,no name on it eiather,when i asked hobby shop what size motor,their reply was " a big one, " its like they really didn't want to help me out. I asked what i would need to get it going,and i just a bunch of UH,UM UHs,so i just left it at that and figured i would find out on my own. When i bought the Raptor,the guy through that one in for an extra $50. He told me that it was a Trex and any 550 or 600 parts would work on it. I would'nt mind fixing it up. I know it needs 4 servos,ESC, GYRO,Battery,. I have a Rx,its a Spectrum AR6100, but don't i need to know the motor size so i can get the correct batt and ESC? OH yea it needs a set of main blades