Man, this vaping thing is as addictive as smoking lmao. As you all know, I picked up the Vamo V5 a while back and LOVE it. I put a Cartomizer on it and man, the flavor is just intense. I'm just tired of going through cardo's all the time. Can't seem to keep them around. So, I started playing with Drippers.
The first one that I picked up was the IGO-W. It's a little guy, but you cna do a single, dual or even a quad coil on this little guy. Man, that quad would get hot as hell lol. so I tried it out with my 18mg cinnamon. Yeah, trashed both sets of O-rings on that thing. So I said the hell with it. I need something that has a tank. So I picked up a Smoke Tech RSST. It's a Genisis style Rebuildable Atomizer (RBA) and started playing with it. I am still trying to find my flavor for it, but I think I have found the mods that I need to do to it.
Right now I'm running a 9 wind micro coil on it with some 500 stainless steel mesh running it at 7 watts. I have drilled out the air hole to 2mm and have it filled with Double Chocolate. This thing chucks the vape like no other! I"m talking mad vape.
Now, I want to build another IGO-W with a dual coil and cotton and see if I can get the same thing out of a dripper. I"m hoping to get even more vape out of that one.
My next step? A mechanical mod with a kraken atomizer on top of it running sub ohms. Yup, this has just turned into another hobby lol.