Well-Known Member
Had a bunch of flight today with both the 450 and the 600. Used the new camera, but I had the bracket angled too low, so all the videos were of the ground LOL 
The 450 seemed to work nicely through three packs - but at the end of the third pack the motor couldn't keep the RPM at a constant... It was as if I was in Normal mode, and going up and down on the throttle (even though it was in IU and the throttle was not touched). I switched to Normal mode, but the fluctuating RPM was still noticeable. I was concerned that the motor had taken a hit, as the pinion had been showed inwards on the shaft during my last crash. So - new motor is on it's way.
On my last flight with the 600 I noticed a vibrating tail, and a strange sound. Since then, I redid the tail gear mesh and I also redid the tail setup in the BeastX. I hoped this would solve my did not. Well the noise had been replaced by a new noise, but the vibrating tail was still the same. I have checked everything I can think of, but did notice that the tail auto gear is sort of warped. A new gear will be underway soon.
I really hope I get all the kinks out of this 600 soon.
The 450 seemed to work nicely through three packs - but at the end of the third pack the motor couldn't keep the RPM at a constant... It was as if I was in Normal mode, and going up and down on the throttle (even though it was in IU and the throttle was not touched). I switched to Normal mode, but the fluctuating RPM was still noticeable. I was concerned that the motor had taken a hit, as the pinion had been showed inwards on the shaft during my last crash. So - new motor is on it's way.
On my last flight with the 600 I noticed a vibrating tail, and a strange sound. Since then, I redid the tail gear mesh and I also redid the tail setup in the BeastX. I hoped this would solve my did not. Well the noise had been replaced by a new noise, but the vibrating tail was still the same. I have checked everything I can think of, but did notice that the tail auto gear is sort of warped. A new gear will be underway soon.
I really hope I get all the kinks out of this 600 soon.