Was at the cabin this weekend, riding my snowmobile, chillin and flyin
But. I have been trying to find the best gain on my GOV for the 600, I was at value 30 (which was working out nicely last weekend) - so I tried upping it to 31. So on Saturday I took her out for the first test at value 31 - the motor started hunting... This also caused the tail to twitch as a reaction to the motor not flattening out it's head speed. I did two flights anyways - and all seemed fine.
Today I reduced the gain back to 30 again. The motor was still hunting (not as bad, but still). I did one flight - worked fine (and I got some awesome tic tocs

) Then, on my second flight, I tried the tic tocs again - then this happened:
I should obviously not have flown with it knowing that the motor was hunting - but I'm stupid, so I did it anyways. After studying the damage, I can also see that my mesh probably was a bit on the wide side.
New main gear on the way - new test flight next weekend.