HI there "Whirlybird!" I'm glad that you came across my thread and thanks for the compliment! I am in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I'm about an hour north of Muncie in the NE area of Indiana.
There is quite the long story behind "why" I want to build this plane and I can see it in my head and the image just won't go away, lol. To think that the airframe is made from Dollar Tree foamboard is just baffling, but it's real easy to work with, it's inexpensive, and when formed....it's actually pretty rigid. However, I'm learning that there is quite a bit about this build that I just have no idea what the hell to do....enter Tony's help. I've been able to progress quite well because of his instruction. I can't imagine that I would be very far in the build if I didn't find this forum.
As far as apologizing to Tony...I'm 36 years old and respectful to those that help me and there have been times that I comment on what Tony suggests and, due to my inexperience, I have felt that I was "pestering" him. However, Tony has made it very clear that I can come to him with the simplest question and I'll know that he'll still take the time to give me an answer. I'm sure with the continued help from Tony, and recently "breeze400," I'll get this beast of a plane completed. If you do a search on YouTube for "FB Albatros" (previously called "The AXON Project), you'll see some of my build videos. I measured out the wing today, it measures 20 feet 5/8" from tip to tip. Currently, the fuselage is 9 feet long. The fuselage length will probably change when I'm searching for center of gravity. I'm running the servo wires in the wing right now and I'm hoping to mount the Tacon 160 brushless outrunner tomorrow to the fuselage. I still need to find a 24" prop for this monstrosity. My local hobby shop doesnt carry props that big. They were very rude when I asked, today, for a 24" prop. They asked me what kind of plane I was gonna be flying. I explained my plane to them with anticipation of them being interested. One of the guys turned and walked away while saying "What a joke!" Not very professional, in my opinion.
Anyway...I'll definately be back with more questions, I'm sure. I appreciate anyones help and suggestions. I'll see if I can get some pictures of my progress taken and uploaded to show you what I'm up to.
Take care!