Just wanted to post a few photos of tonight's progress. First is the rudder with corrected hinge and ugly paper tear, that tape can be nasty... second is the elevator. All control surfaces use the 45 degree method @Tony mentioned. Third is the wing halves glued together. And last is a mockup to see what it looks like.
The top of the fuselage where the rectangle hole is. I haven't glued that part yet as I don't want to have trouble installing the pushrods from the servos. But maybe it won't be that bad if it is glued.
I got the Y adapter made tonight also. I got the hang of crimping those terminals.
I'm going to guess that you are talking about the entire top of the fuse, and not just the access hole under the wing. In which case, yes, it would make it easier to run them. But you can run them from the outside to the inside if you are careful.
The elevator and rudder servos are both mounted in the servo mount (H style mount) on the inside of the fuse. Just run as shallow of an angle as you can and hook it from under the control horn.
I have always put it inside on my planes. Foamboard is so low density that it really doesn't matter. Just keep the antennas away from the motor, esc and servos and you should be fine. And it makes for a cleaner plane on the outside.