Then I cut the dihedral to the proper angle and glue the wing together right? I think I can use an angle finder to get the wing at the correct angle then use a large razor blade to slice the dihedral.
I'm getting close on finishing the build. I should have the wings, rudder, and elevator mounted tomorrow. I cut the rudder out and hinged it tonight. I sure would like to have some easy hinges to install.
I'm not sure what you are asking on "easy hinges". I just cut a 45º into the hinge and back it up with packing tape. Doesnt' get much easier than that. As for the servos, you just put them in the wing roughly at the location of where I have it marked on the plans and you push them in and use a little hot glue to secure them. Below is a video on the V1 trainer where I install the servos. Hope this helps you out on the servo install.
Oh, I know the hinge you are talking about, and although it does work, I don't trust it. I just always cut a 45 leaving one side of the paper on, usually on the top, and use tape to reinforce it.
Well it's too late. I have cut the control surfaces from the original piece. I'll have to figure something out. I may have to find some flimsy thick plastic and make some hinges with that. Insert it into the edge of the wing then slide the aileron up to it and onto the hinges. I could use some epoxy to secure them. Just an idea.