Ok some technical corrections to wording... just so you know. Some additional info for Heliman450 hopefully describing the update process and what to do if something had gone wrong like in his situation at the least. As typical of me, this will be in my usual verbose manner in hopes to describe what I know as well as what I'm not clear about etc since I don't own the devices in question.
i tried what I could try. I'm not using a USB cable; i'm using the programming cable that came with the GTR.
The programming cable you mention IS an USB cable, it is simply a proprietary one that has a unique connector on the Spirit GTX side, the other side is a standard USB connection for your PC's connection.
Why do I need the file? I see several firmware options for my V2.
Technically you don't but it does save you a step that is normally done by the software... ie the part where it downloads the firmware selected. The .4dg file IS the firmware file that is typically downloaded by the software for the v1 Spirit module... it isn't for a v2 version.
On the software's Info page... it should show Connected as long as there is no connection problem. In addition, if connected, it should list which version of the firmware is currently on the device. If both of those pass ( ie shows connected and lists a firmware version ), then on the Update page it should list the available firmware updates for the version you own.
If there isn't a connection or if the Info page doesn't list a proper firmware version for your device... it is this point that you should verify your devices version ( v1 or v2 ) and select to Flash or Recover.
In the Recovery mode... the software has no idea of which version firmware is the correct one. This is where the user must know which is correct and to select it from the list. Once selected, the process is much like the Flash process with the only difference being that the flash is being forced to use the selected version instead of having listed only versions made for your device ( ie v1 or v2 etc ).
By downloading the firmware that
Heliman450 provided for a v1 device.... if yours is a v1 ( which should be obvious now ) and not a v2 ... your flash/recovery should be quicker than if you are waiting on a download to also happen.
Here is a deviation because of what
Heliman450 mentioned. His device seemed to have a problem when it was connected to SAT1... I believe it was an intermittent connect but that is a guess. If I understood him correctly, when he connected to SAT2 his connection was more reliable and he was able to perform the flash/recover portion of the steps.
What I'm not completely clear about is if everything is working as intended... if he would have even seen the recover button or not. I would assume not but that is a guess having not seen it... and since he did have problems during that portion... I could see where both would be seen. If my guess is correct and both buttons are seen... then I'd assume it is at that point you'd press the Recover button to select your firmware that you are flashing. I could easily be wrong since they may also be taking into consideration that a user had flashed the incorrect firmware at some point and may need a method to flash the correct one.
So my suggestion to
davidbitton ... First with your devices documentation you have, verify which version device it is... ie either v1 or v2. Next, when in the software to update with, verify if the Info page shows a connection and proper firmware version for your device. If there is a problem with either of those... try connecting it to the other SAT connection ( SAT1 or SAT2 depending on which one you are first connected too ). The repeat the steps. If it is working now, both connected and can see the proper firmware version on the Info page... then proceed with the update if it is needed.
If all goes well... then you shouldn't need the recovery steps... those are only needed when something is not going properly.