Hi all,
Not sure if anyone is watching this thread but it's useful for me to keep track of what's going on and as a memory jogger when I break off for any reason. I think that I'd benefit from some input from 'davidbitton' as it seems to be that he's been successful with his installation/activation given his silence. After my trip to the UK, I returned to the issue with my focus being on the v2 GeoLink module in my T-Rex 550E. To eliminate it from the equation, I needed to fix a longstanding issue with this model's settings within my Jeti DC-14 and was successful. The swashplate tilting is still there albeit that it disappears after activating/deactivating a couple of times.
Still working on the ground, I have reprogrammed the Geo-fence area to be a bit smaller and tested the function by carrying it through the boundary as defined. I cannot control the cyclic function during this process and it does appear to be trying to bring the model back into the area aromatically. My understanding of the information in Spirit's online manual is that I should be able to fly within this area and the system takes over once I stray outside and automatically takes it to the middle when I'm able to retake control by moving the cyclic stick slightly.
It seems to be that I'm unable to fly with the Geo-fence activated and, therefore, must fly without it activated only being able to use the function if the model leaves the defined area. Seems to defeat the object of the function in my opinion.
I also suffered with some connectivity problems at the beginning of my last session on the PC but was able to overcome it simply by moving the USB Interface cable a little bit, which makes me think that maybe there's an internal problem with my SpiritPro gyro. The cable works fine for just the gyro and only manifests itself when I work on the GeoLink.
All feedback welcome.