General Swash leveler


Staff member
I just had a thought. The oil I have put on my swash bearing could have degraded the plastic on the servo case. Maybe caused the control arm to crack too. I didn't think that I put too much oil but I suppose it could have slung out.

I use Dry Fluids Heli on all of mine. It`s a little pricey... $17.99 for 10ml, but it goes a long way, and it will not collect dust and dirt, and won`t hurt plastic parts.



Goblin 380 Supporter
OH MAN! Sounds like it`s time for a complete tear down and full inspection on that one.
I'm in the process of going through a tear-down and full inspection of my Gaui X3. I just finished my rebuild of the XLPower 500 after a crash. I've noticed a few things that upon inspection didn't notice before. It's worst the extra time on the ground before you find a mistake in the air.
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