The New RC-Help helicopter


Well-Known Member
I think what Boki is trying to say, is that nitros SOUND slower. Personally I also think they sound slower, more docile - sort of...


Staff member
Gaba, I want you to call that hobby shop today or go by there and see if we did in fact miss that deal. If it's still there, pull out that plastic!!! It's worth a shot even though I fear it's actually gone.


I left my number at two of my LHSs, they will be putting up want ads for a 600 or larger Align heli, Nitro or Electric. I will let you know if I have any bites.


Well-Known Member
What are you trying to say Tony i am older then you lol... And i agree i love the smell of a good nitro bird
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Super Mod & DEAL KING!
I think what Boki is trying to say, is that nitros SOUND slower. Personally I also think they sound slower, more docile - sort of...

Its funny people say that.. lol see my Aero Hobbies video.. its a .37 size engine.. see how much power its got.. :) power cons on the nitro motor is only that it has to be governed on a certain Rpm (17000 for most OS engines).. for it to produce the max instant power... and an open throttle doesnt mean full power.. :) with electric power is available all over the band low throttle to high throttle. I mean its like dealing with a live machine which has a character and it behaves a certain way. once you learn it.. its the most awesome thing.. BUt I do understand how people hate dealing with it.. just like leanring to fly helis is hard at first.. and people give in a lot, similar with nitro engines. once you keep on it.. there is nothing better . :) ;) .. and ofcourse its a personal preference.

But .. coming back to the power and the "faster" or "slower".. Tarique alsadi flies most Nitros ofcourse except for the goblins he owns..

Curtis Youngblood (THE MASTER of HELIS) flies RAVE 90 Nitro.. An extremely powerful machine. clocked at 140mph in front of my eyes! it was crazy..

nitro birds are lighter (gas birds are heavier) in general than their equivalent built electrics. and thinking about a 2.5+ HP motor on a lighter bird.. gets you amazing handeling in the air..

But again its messy.. and there is tuning involved. :) There are pros and cons. but nitros.. less power.. Not true.. :) again look at my aero hobbies fun fly videos. :) When you hear the motors bog.. think about this.. the electric motor is quieter in general and the sound gets covered by the farting blades and you dont hear it bog.. the Nitro motor is a loud machine and any power band change is audible so people feel like its bogging.. but actually its just producing power at the point. Like I run my engine at 8.7*2150=18705 RPM.. so at this point you hear engine screaming.. and the power is lower than 2.4hp.. then whe I pitch pump it my head speed drops to somewhere in the 1900-2000 range.. dropping my engine rpm to 17000 - 17.5 range.. thats when my engine is peaking at power at 2.4 hp and creating gobs of power :) heehee.. I love electric helis too.. just feel like my nitros have a soul :p :p ... :D

I am not trying to start a discussion.. but to a beginner which we all are in one way or the other. .. these things might be new.. so its good information to know and understand .. before making a decision or when judging.. just my 2 cents here.. :D Believe me .. this hobby is all about what you feel like flying.. man you wanna put a rubber band and fly by it.. DO IT! if it makes you happy.. thats whats best for you :) ITS YOUR HOBBY! :)


Well-Known Member
I've not seen many birds up close and personal, but I have experienced both nitros and electrics 700/90 sizes live. And I feel both have their own set of unique characteristics. But personally, nothing beats the sound of Alan Szabos Align 700 on the video where he tests out the new DFC head. (I realize it's not new anymore, but it was then). The sound from that crazy motor when it spools up, reaches HS - THEN SHOOTS UP IN THE SKY LIKE SOME CRAZY*#/()/&¤&¤&###!

I'll never forget it. It's the defining moment for my interest in the RC heli hobby.

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Oh yeah, and here it is :D :D :D


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
Yeah also look up Trex 700 with 8HP motor.. lol.. Think about the ESC, Batteries for that beast! Yes they are amaizng and powerful.. but in the pricerange.. and similar specs.. we can compare.. Like.. look up Trex 600 N with YS91st motor.. Thats a 900 size 5+ hp motor on a small 600 lol.. It SCREAMS.. Its all on how much money you can throw into the bird and just take that much power out of it.. :D

BTW Tony.. The Aero HObbies bird is still not gone.. He is awaiting a call from that guy today.. I called him in the morning and he said.. He will let me know if it doesnt go .. Or I can call him. So fingers crossed :D


Hi Stokke: To think I'm just learning how to fly BOKI! Nice video!

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Stokke; They do seem slower but I don't think they are! They respond fast though! BOKI


Staff member
Jesse, let us know what you have going on with those sevos. If we can get those for a great price then all we will need is a 620 for the throttle. And Gaba, I will text ya at about 0300 after I eat :biggrin1:


Staff member
arghhh, yall are killing us with all the cloak and dagger!!!!!! WE DEMAND TRANSPARENCY OR WE SHALL START THE GREAT RC REVOLT OF 2012!!!!!!!!


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