After a break things are slowly progressing on the R22. I've bin flying my other helis and also got 2 new foamies a U Can Fly II and a Skymule and both great fun to fly - just love them. Got a video of the UCanFly on Youtube just click here -=> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00m3OuPHHxs. I did crash my Gaui Hurricane 550 heli. I was doing some autos and loops when the elevator arm suddenly snapped and the heli glided like a brick back to mother earth. Many parts broke by canopy only got a minor crack that can be fixed with epoxy. And i also converted the bird to flybarless at the same time - i had a spare 3GX and that have to do for now. Haven't really tested it yet .. still waiting for good weather. Heres a picture of it.
The fuselage is being fitted to the frame and it is a struggle but i'm getting there - the "canopy" is a PITA to take mount and dismount. Soon it will be standing on its own feet. Epoxied the top spar and next step is to make the holes for the front struts and here's pictures of the making so far. I'm a ultra slow builder so please have a good amount of patience. The spars are first tagged with 5 min epoxy and then i use 30 min. epoxy with micro-balloon in it (makes it stronger). Then i use cheap fine paintbrushes to keep the epoxy from floating away - once in a while i use the brush to keep the epoxy in place and it works just great.
The fuselage is being fitted to the frame and it is a struggle but i'm getting there - the "canopy" is a PITA to take mount and dismount. Soon it will be standing on its own feet. Epoxied the top spar and next step is to make the holes for the front struts and here's pictures of the making so far. I'm a ultra slow builder so please have a good amount of patience. The spars are first tagged with 5 min epoxy and then i use 30 min. epoxy with micro-balloon in it (makes it stronger). Then i use cheap fine paintbrushes to keep the epoxy from floating away - once in a while i use the brush to keep the epoxy in place and it works just great.