I didn't know you had trouble with the site Tony. I've been a little busy too re- galvanizing an old antenna mast for the new VHF beam that we're working on.
At the same time, I'm adding an anti-dew system to my li'll telescope. I also added a nice tripod so now I can easily do the star alignment on setup. I ordered a new computer controller because the original has developed a problem with the contrast control of the read out. Sometimes the read out goes all bright and I can't read it.. Ok last but not least, the elevation motor's clutch started slipping. Too many burn outs, lol... But seriously,, I take it apart again and find the problem.
The one and only disk that busted (obviously the white one) I'm told is no longer available.. So this is what I came up with to solve this problem.. I took some automotive manifold gasket stock I had and traced out the original disk on it. Then I carefully cut out two of them with a scissor and boxcutter... The second one was installed on the other side of the drive gear. Next I modified the pressure plate by removing four peg like protrusions on the face of the pressure plate. Now I have a much larger friction surface and she holds tight..
I was curious so I was looking at some imaging equipment.. Oh jeezo man that stuff is way out of my price range. Mainly because I'm broke. Oh no, no,, I can't believe it costs that much in this day and age. Sort of reminds me of the RC habit.. If you want to fly, you gotta buy, buy, buy...….