Just an update. To continue what I stated above, I will know results in the morning. Because I have a float level sensor in my tank for my ATO, and I'm running a higher flow rate during the day, it lowers the level of the water in my sump during the day. Because of this I keep my ATO turned off during the day and only run it at night. And now that I'm going back to Kalk, it's even better to dose at night rather than during the day.
You see, Kalk lowers the CO2 of the tank which raises the O2 and this results in a higher pH. Dosing Kalk at night when the lights are off is the best option to keep a more stable pH in the tank all day and night.
Here is what I have done today with the tank.
I started out this morning with a bag of Baking Soda. Yea, that's right. You see, Baking Soda is what we refer to in the hobby as Alkalinity, which is really just a blanket term. What Baking soda is that you make your biscuits with is just Sodium Bicarbonate. If you mix some of this in some ro/di water and dose it to your tank, it will raise your DKh, or in other words, raise your alkalinity. But, doing this will NOT raise your pH, in fact it will usually cause it to fall. But there is a way to do this AND raise your pH at the same time.
Take that Sodium Bicarbonate and put it on a baking sheet and put it in an oven heated to 200ºF or about 100ºC and bake the Sodium Bicarbonate for one hour. This will reduce the CO2 level in the Sodium Bicarbonate and bake out all of the moisture and leave you with pure Sodium Carbonate, or Soda Ash as it is better known. Doing the same dose as you did with the Sodium Bicarbonate will not only raise your DKh, but will also raise your pH since it lowers the CO2 level in the tank.
If you have to raise your DKh a lot but don't want to raise your pH, then dose Sodium Bicarbonate. If you need to just "top off" your DKh and a pH gain would benefit your tank, then dose Sodium Carbonate. Today, I dosed Sodium Carbonate and took my DKh from 7.7 to 8.4. I will check it again tomorrow since the Kalk also raises pH and DKh AND Calcium (Ca is at 520 in my tank...) which I don't need.
Usually dosing Soda Ash will cause a white cloud in the tank. Well there was no cloud when I dosed this stuff today. So either the baking soda was bad, I didn't bake it off right, or my Calcium test kit is WAY OFF. I'm thinking the kit is off because the titration liquid for the Ca is the same as it is on the Mg and I'm reading ultra high readings on Mg. I have a new test coming so I will compare.
After I was done with that, it was time for a water change. I had already mixed up 10 gallons yesterday so this was easy, and boring.
Corals are loving life right now so nothing to update here. I was going to post a picture of the monti, but it has not grown enough for you all to see. I can see it, but I watch it multiple times a day lol.
Once the water change was done (I just pulled the water out of the sump. Less disturbance in the tank and less stress on the fish), I started looking at that massive ball of Chaeto in my sump. This thing is getting too big for the room that it has, so it is time for it to go. Well, most of it lol.
I pulled it out of the sump and put it in my sink with some salt water to rinse it off. My sink is not really big enough to deal with this thing...
Lets pull it out and take a pic of it for you all...
this is a massive ball of Chaeto for the small area it was in... Just for comparison, here it is in a 10 gallon tank (with some of my old sand from my tank that I have removed). It is touching front and back. LOTS of macro.
And from here, I tossed every bit of that in the above picture onto my compost pile. This macro is full of Phosphates and Nitrates, and to get rid of them, you GET RID OF THEM! And that is just what I did.
And now, this is all I have left.
That is about 2 handfull's of Chaeto. You would pay about $20 for what I have right here in my sump in the above picture. So for that mass I just tossed in my compost pile? Probably about $100 worth of Chaeto or so... I do love that picture above with that water fall. Most times it just falls straight down the wall, but after a while it will develop an air pocket and cause this waterfall. Love it!
That is where I'm at right now...