Well this has not been a good weekend. Since losing a second fish and my small clown on the verge of dying, the wife and I decided to completely tear down the tank. Yeah, I know, it sucks big time. But we are thinking that what ever is killing the fish was in the rock, or it was from one of the fish and is now in the rock. And if it's in the rock, it's in the sand and plumbing as well. For this reason, we had to tear it down.
Now speaking of tearing the tank down, here is what the original 110g tank looks like now...
That's right, we have broken every seal getting it ready to reseal. We have the silicone, we just need to clean up the glass and get it done.
Obviously the first thing in tearing down the tank, is getting the rock and water out of it. That is easy. I have a 55 gallon barrel, so that is where the rock is now. Once that was done, we drained the tank as far down as we could with teh sand still in the tank.
So where are my fish? Well these poor guys went from a nice cushy 90g reef, to a 10g crap tank that I"m using to dose the sick ones. I'm just hoping the sick fish that is in there doesn't get the others sick with the antibiotics that we are dosing.
Great, fish, water and rock are out of the tank and this is where we are now.
Great, now we are right back to where we started lol. But we are not done. I'm sure it's run across your mind, "how do you get rid of this stuff that's hiding in the tank?". Well, it will be a couple days, but we do it with vinegar. two to three gallons of vinegar went into the tank and we filled it up with regular tap water. Not only will any bacteria not survive in a tank with no salinity (salt) but the PH has went from 8.2 to well below 7.4 (the lowest my test kit goes). So in no way will anything survive in this tank that could get the fish sick.
So what do we do now? Well we will let this tank run for the entire week to make sure the vinegar is put into places that even I can't reach. If there is a leak, it will find it and kill anything that may be sitting there.
So what about the 80lbs of sand and 120 lbs of rock? Well we are going to either toss it, or we are going to bleach the ever loving crap out of it then sell it for half the cost. Hell we may keep it and put it in the 110 when we get it put back together. I think that tank would make a great aggressive tank with angels and lion fish. Perfect rock for that tank. But first, we have to KILL EVERYTHING on it and in it. This means a month in a heavy bleach water solution and then a couple months drying out on the sidewalk.
So what are we going to replace it with? Well we are going to get dry base rock that is as white as chalk. It will take a very long time for it to get the color we want, but this way I can choose the color that will be on it (to a degree). The sand we are going to go back to the live sand, but not the fine stuff that we had before. That stuff was horrible and made the water cloudy any time something touched it!. No more of that crap for me even though I still have a 40lb bag of it sitting here unopened.
There is another product that we are going to try as well. It's a bacteria that is good for the tank. It's a nitrifying bacteria. What it does is it takes the ammonia and nitrites and breaks then down into nitrates which are removed with regular water changes. There is some stuff called "Dr. Tim's One & Only Nitrifying Bacteria". With this stuff, I can take the cycle of my tank from a couple months, to about a week. Or so they say. I will be the judge of that.
The bacteria that is in it, is naturally found in reef tanks, so there is no harm in using it. When you put it in, you can and are suggested to immediately put fish in the tank such as a couple clowns or chromis. This will introduce the ammonia that the bacteria need to survive. Your ammonia and nitrite spikes will be minimal at best and no stress will be shown by the fish. We will see.
So as you can see, this weekend has sucked in the fish world. I was about to just pack it up and do it later but the wife talked me into keeping it going. Afterall, the price for the new sand, salt and rock is only that of a NEW ALIGN 450 PRO V2 DFC!!!!!!!!1