Well everyone, so far so good on the 90g. The bubbles are completely gone and the 4 Chromis that are in there seem to be doing great. Still eating very well and swimming back and forth constantly as they should. Because of this, I decided to do some modifications to the lights. Yes Matt, this is the light that we are working a deal on. No worries, the deal still stands.
The mod I made can be seen in the picture below. I added 10 15,000MCD LED's to the light strip. I was only going to put 6 in there, but I was worried with the limited spread of the LED's that I would put 10 to cover the whole tank. Well I should have stuck with 6 lmao. These LED's will have to be put on a power supply that is less than what it's on now.
At this time, I'm just running them on the fan circuit. That is 7 volts at 200mah. These LED's are rated for 12v adn I would blind the fish if I did that lmao. I'm thinking I need to drop these down to 3-4Vdc to get the light I"m wanting. But this will have to do for now.
I love the look of moon lights and always have. These are perfect, just too bright. The pictures below do not do it justice. But, I figured that since the tank is doing so well finally, I would add some more things to it. Once I order my 3w LED's, this light will be coming off of the tank and I will be adding about 150w worth of LED's to it that will be completely dimmable. Complete with sunrise and sunset as well as lightning, cloud cover and all at random times. This tank is going to be great once it's done. But, that is at least 6 months down the road.
Here are the pics, let me know what you think. What you can't see is the shimmer that these give off. Maybe I will upload a quick video of it here in a bit. I have time lmao.
I know you can only see 8 of the LED's, but there are two more towards the center that you can't see.