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Cleveland teams just plain suck! Lol I can only say that because my beloved Cincinnati Reds suck too....I could care less about football, basketball...what is really embarrassing is those idiots in Cincinnati bought not one, but 2 stadiums for the loser Reds, and Bengals....there was nothing wrong with River front....and ticket prices were fan friendly!


Staff member
After last nights loss to G.S. I was a little upset. Today after calming down I finally realized that the Caves accomplished something that most teams would have failed. They almost turned chicken :):):):) and made chicken soup. One player can only do so much during 3 hours of total game play. Its no wonder LeBron was sluggish after 6 games straight. In the end those players showed the country that we were truelly all in. I commend the team for their performance. As for golden state, you beat a bench team and that team took you to game 6. Just some food for thought. Last thing the refs were really inconsistent with the calls, which opens the door for possible biasness.

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I don't gamble on sports, cards or any other mainstream casino stuff. The most I do is an occasional lottery ticket.

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Active Member
I'd buy a lotto ticket myself every now and then, but I keep forgetting to....:(
I will once in a blue moon go up to Winstar up in Ok and play slots there, my max amount I will spend is $20.00 if I loose
that I'm done...big spender eh? Lol
I did walk outta there a few years ago with $600.00 bucks!
But any other time I've been there (3 times in Hmm? 10 years) I've
Lost my $20.00 or close to it. As you can tell I have a gambling addiction! Lol Not!


Staff member
Yeah I think you might need some gamblers anonymous. That's some serious gambling you have going on. I am just concerned, I don't want to see you selling your hobby gear to gamble. :lmao:

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I am so ready for the weekend. Not for flying (supposed to be high winds) but because I'm about to go on a murderous rampage... worst week at this company yet... I just need a break...


Active Member
Winds only supposed to be 10-15 down here, I am on vacation all week starting today!
I've screwed myself though cuz I was compiling a list of things to do round here (without even having
wife input) and my list is growing for some reason....and most of it isn't fun stuff...:(.
So far I've got:
1. Sweep clean reorganize garage
2. Oil change, lube, clean wax, brakes on bike.
3. Calk bathroom tub
4. Sweep clean dust office, reorganize that also.
5. Go to club fly (as much as possible)
6. Transfer all models to DX8 (that's gonna be time consuming:()
I haven't yet gotten imput from wife yet but am sure she has ideas on what I should be doing....:(


Staff member
Heading out to get some videos shot for The garage is still damp and I don't want to put the backdrop up because of the risk of damaging it. Guess this is going to be like the old days with no back drop. Sucks, but don't want to ruin a $2000 backdrop. And holy hell the humidity!!!! I'm going to be sweating bullets in these videos!!!


Staff member
Two product review videos shot, 1 is uploaded, the other is uploading. I have 1 more product review video to shoot, and I"m really looking forward to this one. Testing seems to be pretty good so far. What is it? You will just have to wait and see!!! :evil:


Staff member
Wow, people are hating the hell out of the two review videos. I kind of thought that would happen.


Well-Known Member
Had a cool week this past workweek. I had to give NASA training on a test stand made by my customer that simulates the bay door actuation of the SOFIA project.

It went from a talk through to a physical demonstration recorded on video. I kinda got tossed under the bus on this, as I am only responsible for calibrating the 50,000 inLb torque transducer. The demo should be a representative of the engineering team that designed the stand. The current move has taken all the mechanical engineers from availability and I stepped up to go through with the filming. After the third morning's shooting was done and my part was completed, I looked at the NASA head of the project and asked for a little SOFIA swag. He asked what I was looking for ant I told him a sticker for my RC flight case would be awesome.
He kinda looked at me slyly and said, "How would you like a New Zealand Deployment patch?", and turned to the video guy and told him I was getting it before him.
He took my home addy and is sending me an entire "Project Participation" package. He added that my time captured on video was absolutely critical to the future maintenance of the aircraft and was carried out professionally and thoroughly.
He now has my business card for when the aircraft arrives back in the states. It will be then that the test stand becomes NASA property and the company I am subcontracted to will hand over the keys.

I can tell you that the trove of videos I have watched since getting into RC has taught me what is a good instructional video and what is useless. Thanks Tony and all you other RC-Help contributors.

SOFIA History:
Last edited:


Staff member
24 minute product review has been shot and edited and is now rendering. Will upload once it's done! I like this one a lot.


Staff member
The two from tinydeal are in his section in the marketplace (for sale section at the bottom of the forum). The charger is in the Product review section. It's at the top of the forum, 4th section down when looking at the main forum page. Hope this helps.
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