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Goblin 380 Supporter
Hey Tony. Is everyone treating you differently since you are leaving on Friday? Bosses don't like when you try to better you life by leaving the old job for a new one. Remember, when one door closes there's another one ready to open up to new oppertunity for you and your family. Everything happens for a reason. I wish you the best of luck on your new adventure Tony.


Staff member
Yup, he likes trying to give me the silent treatment. So I take fun in forcing conversation out of him lol. 3 more days.


Yeah, Tony I agree with DOG leave with a smile and leave the last door with nothing but good to say, you never know when those references/people/contacts or jobs are needed again and burning those bridges can be a dangerous thing at times. Anyway my man all the best hope the new one rocks....better pay is sweet no matter how you cut it.

Taking all my sH()& with me on vacation next week... got all my parts for the parking lot kissing 150 incident, the 130x for night flying over the lake :ohsnap1: (gotta live dangerous once in awhile I say) and the maiden on the 7200 on the 450... ok might go fishing a few times too :wink:


Staff member
Well yesterday I was officially hired at the new job. And we are at -8.00 hours and counting at the current job. And yes, counting the hours left before I can leave that hell hole.


Active Member
It's hard finding a decent place to work these days, some of these businesses now days have no clue how to run a business, let alone treat their employees, it's all about how much more money goes into their pocket...
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