You Log In, You Post In Here

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Staff member
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, BOOM! What a craptastic day. And if I could go around my own language filters, that would sound MUCH WORSE! This is the worst day I have had in the last 25 years. Oh well...


Staff member
It's going to get worse before it gets better. I can't even afford the server that my sites are on and my have to shut them down for a couple months. So if Rc-Help goes down, just know, eventually, it will be back. This is not by choice. This is what happens when you are completely screwed over and have no more money left to your name. So much for trying to "better" my life.


Staff member
Since 1995 (off and on) i have been playing Command and Conquer. I have owned a number of the titles for both PC and PSX. I have owned the box set The First Decade which has every title up to Generals and its expansion packs. Today I now have every title ever released in this franchise. While downloading I discovered that the franchise has finally come to an end. As of right now due to GameSpy going down online playing just is not possible, at least until the current owners of the franchise figure out how to rework the games.

Every time stuff happens to you, you manage to make it out. I am sure no matter how bad it gets you will make it once again. Hang in and keep you head up.


Staff member
It's just an announcement I put on there to let everyone know about the new search. Your username was on there because I used the {username} code, which pulls the persons username if they are logged in. If they are not logged in, it shows "Unregistered".


Active Member
It's just an announcement I put on there to let everyone know about the new search. Your username was on there because I used the {username} code, which pulls the persons username if they are logged in. If they are not logged in, it shows "Unregistered".

Ahh dang! i felt like a celebrity there for a minute...thought I was going to get me a reality show and make millions! ;-( LOL


Staff member
I have had people email me, PISSED, because of a message that is on here. It's a message for the newly registered members saying "post in the new member section" and some other things lol. But because it had their username in it, they thought they were being targeted for doing something wrong. I assure you, nothing has been done wrong, just trying to let everyone know about the new features on this site that I think will help us out greatly.

The Google Custom Search function is specific to this site, and doesn't search the web. It's been proven to reduce the bounce rate of a website (bounce rate is those that visit a page and leave before clicking out of the first page. Otherwise known as "retention") and with the ads that are in there, (which I HATE using, but I have to do something to keep this place alive), it can and has been proven to raise revenue by 60%. Granted, 60% of very little is still very little lol. I'm just hoping to get enough to pay for the server without having to use the credit card which is killing me.

I do wish that everyone would turn off their ad blockers on this site. I don't have those annoying pop-up ads that cover the page like most other sites. I don't have pop-under ads (and I will NEVER do that crap). I did try the pop up ad at the lower right of the screen, but it was so annoying to me (and I'm the one that needed the revenue lol) I removed it after only 24 hours.

But what we do have is targeted ads in specific locations on the site in hopes of members clicking on them with products or services they need to help out the forum. It's completely free to you, but gives us a little help in paying for the server. And trust me, if I hit the lottery, I will remove every single ad on this forum and purchase my own server that I never have to pay for again lol. But, that is a long shot. And until then, I have to run ads to try and help pay for the site.


Active Member
Ah hell didn't bother me none, was just wondering what it was. I don't know what would piss someone off about that, but everyone's differen't.


Staff member
Remember the movie "Social Netwrok"? Remember in there when he said "Facebook can NEVER go down" and was talking about redundant servers and such... Well.... Facebook just went down... Again... For the second time in a week!... hahahahahahahahaha


Hey rodney hows the club going?

Had to tell you boys I went out the other night around 10:30 PM........ 2 birds under my arm and drove to the ball field.

I had drove by earlier and saw it was lit up like Xmas. Halogen overheads and the groundskeeper told me they would open every night till midnight until NOV....I could count the friggin blades off grass ... So I set my coffee doen between 1st and 2nd base and burned through a dozen or so batteries. I had to to be careful and keep the height down because I fried a retina once when I took the 150 up into the bath of the Halogens..but found it quickly in the afterglow of dancing white spots I was seeing:dizzy: but wow high catch fences like they have at a golfing driving range so I felt secure if something got away from me it would at least be stopped (costly perhaps but no danger)

A true blast, anyway thought I would share with folk that would appreciate the feeling. Got home sporting a smile from ear to ear that almost had the wife guessing if I was actually with my helicopters. :thumbsup:


Active Member
Hi Mike! Well if I ever get to the club again I'll enjoy it.
I had plans for a heli weekend last weekend, and was sick with a sinus attack.
Wife was out of town and had hours and hours to burn! Instead I spent weekend laying on couch
Sneezing stuffed head sneezing. So bad I had to finally go to Dr. And get a shot! :(.

That sounds like an awesome time! Heli under lights! sweet!


Staff member
I am so far behind on this forum that it's not even funny! I will try to catch up some day after I get all of this other stuff squared away. I did shoot an update video on the way back from North Little Rock Ar yesterday (also shot one going there, but the sun was not playing nice with the video). So I may render and upload that. Not sure yet. It's pretty long but fills you in on what I have been up to.
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