Looking good not much more to go.
IT's starting to come together.
Just pure greatness marius
She's going to be sweet with those servos.
Thanks Guys
Still a way to go though.
Started putting the head together.
These balls can be mounted in the inner holes if I'll want more pitch range at a later time.
When mounted in the outer holes they should give about 12 deg collective.
Feathering shaft.
The shaft was a bi*ch to install trough the dampeners - REALLY TIGHT.
So I opted to "hammer" it in, which I later would come to regret...
My instructions came with a separate note. This was some updated instructions, which have been added after the original instructions were printed. They stat to NOT install a shim between grips and dampener. The shims can be installed later if I would like to make the dampeners stiffer.
These are the shims which are "optional". I will not install them for now.
Also, the thrust bearings does not have any markings to separate inner and outer parts. But the instructions DO differentiate between parts; as one is called "small" and one is called "large". When eyeballing the inner diameter, you don't have chance of spotting the difference. But I measured them to find out whats what.
This is "large" LOL
And this is small...
Everything laid out in order.
Thrust bearings greased and set inside grips.
But now I come to regret hammering the feathering shaft into place. I obviously altered the end by doing this, as it became almost impossible to mount the first spacer shims - REALLY TIGHT FIT!!
When I tried to mount the grips they wouldn't go on the shaft. NO WAY. So I started filing the end of the shaft < second mistake... LOL
After some more attempts to get on the grips, I had to give up. I had ruined the shaft...
So now I'm waiting for a new one. LOL