General my first trex 450 sport build


Will anything happen if i fly my trex 450 pro flybared with a slightly bent shaft? there no gyro to mess up only a tail gyro,and i dont have the part on hand at the moment.I know with my FBL trex 450 sport you cannot fly with any vibration cuz it will mess up everything.


Goblin 380 Supporter
Will anything happen if i fly my trex 450 pro flybared with a slightly bent shaft? there no gyro to mess up only a tail gyro,and i dont have the part on hand at the moment.I know with my FBL trex 450 sport you cannot fly with any vibration cuz it will mess up everything.

:eek1: I wouldn't recommend it. Any vibration isn't good. Even the slight vibrations can start to loosen parts up.


I just roll the shaft something flat like a piece of glass or table or something like that. It's pretty easy to tell if it is bent.


Also on the 450 pro main shaft there is a groove almost
in the center but one side is a bit longer.Does the longer side go up or down??(I forgot to take note when i took it off.)


On the 450 flybarred heli I believe the longer side goes to the top to accommodate the head and flybar mechanism.


i SAW IN A VIDEO THAT YOU CAN CONNECT TWO 2S LIPOS IN SERIES AND MAKE A 4S BATTERY.Is this possible? can i do this for one of my helis instead of buying a new battery?


You would be better off just buying a new battery. They are cheap enough now that there is really no need to rig up something. If you wanna save money on a battery, just check out Hobbyking. They have great prices.


Staff member
The 3400 and 3500 kv motors are 3s only. If you have the 35a align esc, it's also 3s only. But if you have the new 45a align esc, then it will handle up to 6s. However, the 1800kv align motor will be too slow for a 4s. You will not have enough head speed.


If you didnt notice already i live in Sherbrooke quebec.Hobbyking does not ship to my least not batteries.i was going to buy from them but now i cant:((


Well-Known Member
There are easy ways and hard ways to do everything. I prefer the easy way, but i know from experience that some prefer to take the road less travelled.

Q. Can you fly with a bent main shaft?
A. Maybe, but it will vibrate horribly and probably knock out the gyro and/or cause other mechanical failures making another crash almost certain.

Q. Can I use a 4S battery on a 3S 3500kV motor?
A. Possibly but you would need use very low gearing, even with lower gearing it's quite likely you would burn out the motor and/or ESC. The ESC would have to be 4S capable too.

Q. Can i use a 4S battery on a 1800Kv 6S motor?
A. Yes but it would be way down on headspeed, high gearing would get some of the lost RPM back but still not a good option.

Q. Can i make a 4S battery out of two 2S batteries?
A. Yes if you make a series wiring harness, but the battery and wiring may to be too bulky to fit under the canopy. Also depends on what mAh size of battery you are talking about.

The easy option is just to use a straight main shaft and use the correct battery for the chosen motor.
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ACtually some products ship to canada.ijust have to find the ones that say "we ship international"

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Hey tony can i use this battery for my 3500 kv trex pro.89421_High.jpg

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Or is this one better??? 91184.jpg




Active Member
Those are 3s batteries, what happened to the 6S with the Dominator motor? Now its 4s? If your still running the same 6s motor those batteries won't work, unless your gonna run em in series, but your looking at where to put em then, and there isn't much room on a 450 heli to start with. If I were you I'd stay with a 3s motor, 3s battery and fix your main shaft. Then fly it.


Goblin 380 Supporter
Those are 3s batteries, what happened to the 6S with the Dominator motor? Now its 4s? If your still running the same 6s motor those batteries won't work, unless your gonna run em in series, but your looking at where to put em then, and there isn't much room on a 450 heli to start with. If I were you I'd stay with a 3s motor, 3s battery and fix your main shaft. Then fly it.

Ditto. I'm not sure what your trying to accomplish with the 450. That bird should fly wonderful as a 3 cell battery/motor. Like Rodney said, fix it and fly it and go have some fun.


There are easy ways and hard ways to do everything. I prefer the easy way, but i know from experience that some prefer to take the road less travelled.

Q. Can you fly with a bent main shaft?
A. Maybe, but it will vibrate horribly and probably knock out the gyro and/or cause other mechanical failures making another crash almost certain.

Q. Can I use a 4S battery on a 3S 3500kV motor?
A. Possibly but you would need use very low gearing, even with lower gearing it's quite likely you would burn out the motor and/or ESC. The ESC would have to be 4S capable too.

Q. Can i use a 4S battery on a 1800Kv 6S motor?
A. Yes but it would be way down on headspeed, high gearing would get some of the lost RPM back but still not a good option.

Q. Can i make a 4S battery out of two 2S batteries?
A. Yes if you make a series wiring harness, but the battery and wiring may to be too bulky to fit under the canopy. Also depends on what mAh size of battery you are talking about.

The easy option is just to use a straight main shaft and use the correct battery for the chosen motor.

That is exactly what I was trying to say but in not so many ways.

Also agree 100% with Rodney and DOG.

What we are all trying to say is that you would benefit to just fix and run it the correct way as it was intended. You will end up saving money in the long run.


Well-Known Member
If you are using a 3S (approx 3500kV) motor then those batteries will work very well but personally i'd probably avoid the HV LiPo because not all ESCs or chargers are suitable for HV LiPos.. You can charge them to normal LiPo voltage but then you have wasted money on a fancy HV LiPo when you aren't getting the benefit from the 'HV' capability.

The Graphene batteries are supposed to be extremely good although a little bit heavy. They are overkill for what you need as a beginner though. For the same price you could pick up a couple of regular Turnigy 3S 2200mAh 40C which are more than adequate unless you fancy yourself as a 3D god.


+1, but actually, even the Graphene batteries aren't really worth the extra money. First of all, they are heavier than a ordinary Lipo battery, and when I was researching them (I was gonna buy a few of the Turnigy Graphene batteries ) I found a video of a guy doing a review of them and he methodically took one apart and there was not one piece of graphite substrate in it. There was thin black material in the battery but it was not graphite.

If I can find the video again, I'll post a link to it.

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Here is the link to the video of the Graphene battery teardown:

Hobbyking Graphene Lipo Review and Teardown - YouTube


No i have 2 is a trex 450 pro this one needs a 3s for the 3500 kv.and the other heli is a trex 450 sport.this one needs a 6s for the 1800 kv .the one with with the bent shaft was the pro.these batteries that i posted are for the pro.sometimes i ask questions about my pro and sometimes my sport.I know i need a 6s for my dominator 1800 kv.

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I was just explaining to trainrider.
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